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Josh POV
It's been a few weeks since Tyler's incident, he seems to be doing better, but he still doesn't tell us everything, I can tell. He's been talking out loud less, at least when I'm around. He says that I help him, I don't know how. How do I help him anymore than Jenna?

"Josh are you ready?" I heard Tyler yell from the living room.

"Yep! I'm coming." I grabbed my snapback hat and walked out the door. We have a meeting today with Pete, he says he has a surprise for us. I drove to the studio as usual then followed Tyler in the door. We talked to Elena while we waited for Pete to come get us.

"Hey guys!" Pete walked out the door.

"Hey." Tyler said, still laughing at the joke Elena had told us just moments ago.

"Let's go back to my office, shall we?" Tyler and I stood up and followed him back to a small room. "Have a seat. So, you guys know that your music is doing well, with the two albums you had put up on Youtube previous to being signed with me and the one, Vessel, that we released the other day, it already has 86,000 downloads between ITunes, Spotify, Amazon Music, and Pandora."

"You're joking." Tyler sat up a little more as a smile spread across our faces.

"Not even a little bit." Pete smiled back. "How would you guys like to go on a small tour?"

"Like, for real? Our own tour?" I asked unbelievably.

"Yep. You all have opened for bands before, played multiple out of state gigs, why not? I think it'll do great."

"That'd be awesome!" Tyler was truly happy about this, I could tell. "But when would it be?" He suddenly backed off of the idea.

"We wouldn't leave until the end of December, so roughly 40 days."

"I think I can do that." Tyler nodded.

"Oh yeah. The wedding." I remembered.

"We planned around it, also I would love to come." Pete held up the RSVP Tyler and Jenna had given him.

"Okay, Good." Tyler relaxed a bit and returned to his happy state. We discussed more details about who would be the photographer, who we would take with us for tech, and what venues we thought would be best for our first tour.

"Thanks again Pete, for all of this. It's amazing." I said as we concluded our meeting.

"No problem." Pete waved us goodbye and we left the studio.

***Tys pov***

"Let's go home." I said to Josh sleepily.

"Yeah, you need to get some sleep." He pulled out of the parking lot.

"Nah, I'm fine. Just a long day."

"I'm sure it felt like a long day with how much sleep you're running off of."

"What do you mean?" I stared out the window and watched the faces of people walking pass.

"I know that you aren't sleeping well."

"Wha-how- I- I'm sleeping fine."

"Don't lie to me Tyler." Josh sighed, "I hear you talk to Blurry at night."

"So? It's just casual conversation."

"What could be casual about talking to yourself?" Josh asked annoyed.

"Nothing." I mumbled.

"That's not what I meant-"

"What did you mean to say, 'what's could be casual about talking to Blurryface?' It means the same thing. I'm not an idiot, you guys don't have to talk to me like I'm five."

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