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"I don't want you to leave." Jenna laid on my chest.

"We still have awhile sweet."

"Only two weeks though."

"I'm sorry." I kissed her head.

"It's not your fault you have to work." She sighed.

"It still sucks though."

"It'll be okay I guess."

"It will." I reassured her.

"We should get up."

"Why? It's only nine, we don't have anywhere to be."

"No, but you need your meds."

"Ugh." I groaned when she got up.

"They help you." She argued.

"I hate taking pills though." I went to get up.

"Don't get up. I'll bring them back here and we can stay in bed awhile longer." She tied her robe and left the room. She returned with a glass of water and pills in her hand. She handed me the water then sat on her knees in the bed. "Here's depression," she handed me the small blue pill, "schizophrenia," the larger clearish blue pill, "and anxiety." She handed my the last large red pill.

"Why do you always tell me what they are?" I held the last pill in my hand.

"Because I want you to know what your taking every time I give them to you." She looked down at my hand. "I know you don't like this one but you have to do it."

"It makes me feel weird, and I'm probably going to choke on it one day."

"Tyler, you aren't going to choke on it."

"But what if I do!"

"Tyler, you could choke on any of the pills you take."

"Fine but if I choke I'm blaming you."

"Don't blame me, blame the doctor. Now take it." She twirled my hair in her fingers.

"Fine." I pushed the medicine down.

"Thank you." I sat down my glass. Jenna pulled her hand away and got back under the covers.

"You should keep doing that."

"What? Playing with your hair?"

"Yeah, I like it." I laughed.

"Okay." She put her hand back in my hair and we laid there for what could've been forever. Until our child interrupted us.

"Mom! Dad!" Josh yelled outside our door.

"Come in!" Jenna giggled.

"I'm going to hang out with Jordan, Ashley, and Abi. I'll be back later. Do you all need anything?"

"I'm good." Jenna smiled.

"Same. Hey, we need to find a day to go get clothes for tour."

"Okay. How about Friday?"

"Sounds good to me."

"Alright. Later guys." He shrugged the door behind him.

"Bye!" Jenna and I said in sync.

"They grow up so fast." We laughed.


"Okay, so red, black, and white?" Josh asked as we looked through clothes.


"Ohhhh are we going to bring back the ski masks?"

"If you want." I shrugged.

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