First Times

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"I should go get something's from my apartment first. I'll be right over." I met Jenna at her door.

"Okay but hurry." She smiled then shut the door behind her. I walked into the apartment across the hall. I grabbed a small drawstring bag, putting a change of clothes for tonight and tomorrow, my toothbrush and paste, and my phone charger in it then made my way back to Jenna. I opened the door to her apartment.

"Hello?" I locked the door behind me.

Slight Smut warning I'm not writing past make out ses

"I'm in my room." I made my way down the hall way. I looked around the corner and saw Jenna sitting on her bed in a blush pink lace and silk night gown. "Hey." She smirked as I threw my bag down and walked over to her.

"Hi." I leaned over into her, kissing her lips the down to her jawline, kissing down her neck as she slowly laid back. She unbuttoned my shirt and gently slid it off me, wrapping her arms around my neck. I traveled back up until we were eye to eye. "Are you ready?"

Jenna's POV

"Yeah." I smiled. We both crawled father up onto the bed, Tyler continued to hover over me then he kissed me roughly, "You're so sexy." He growled in my ear sending chills through me. I flipped us over which clearly caught Tyler by surprise. And let the fun begin.

Warning over/// about ten minutes later/// Tyler's POV

"That was amazing." Jenna smiled.

"Very. Thank you for marrying me." I laughed breathlessly.

"No, thank you." She winked. "I'll be right back." And with that she got up, slid her clothes back on and left the room. I put on my boxers and sweatpants then changed the bedsheets while she was gone. "You work fast." She walked back in the room.

"I try my best." I smirked.

"I meant the bed sheets." She rolled her eyes.

"I know I was teasing." I laughed. "Whatcha got there?"

"Oreos and peanut better."

"Yay!" I cheered and she jumped back on the bed. I grabbed my phone then sat beside her.

"Oh shoot."


"Just a bunch of missed text from Josh." I unlocked my phone.

Josh: Geez kids. Keep it down in there.

Josh: Don't break her Ty!

Josh: Shhhhh you're keeping the neighbors up!

Josh: some of us are trying to sleep!

Josh: We get it! You're newly weds! That doesn't mean we want to hear you!

Josh: Just kidding. Love you guys. Have a goodnight.

"Oh my gosh." I laughed.

"Geez Josh." She read the text.

"What are we going to do when we live with him?"

"I don't know. Get sound proof walls?" Jenna laughed. We finished the night by watching The Office. Jenna put up the Oreos and peanut butter then came back into the room, she got up on the bad and laid against me. "I'm tired." She curled up against me.

"Then go to sleep, love." I kissed the top of her head.

"I don't want to."

"Why not?"

"Because tonight was great and I just want to cuddle you forever."

"Well you can cuddle me while you sleep."

"But it won't be the same." She frowned. "I won't be consciously cuddling you."

"Just go to sleep, love." I played with her hair until she feel into a deep sleep. I continued to watch The Office for a few more minutes before I also feel asleep.


The morning was pretty dull. We didn't get up until 11:00. We went out for lunch and got back around 2:00. We were watching a movie then Jenna's eyes lit up and she spoke up, "We need to get packing."

"Get packing?"

"I may or may not have planned us a small three day vacation."

"Jenna, you didn't have too-"

"Nope, don't even start with me Joseph. I had a little leftover money that I had saved for the wedding and now we can afford to go on a honeymoon."

"Thank you love. Where are we going?" I asked as she walked out of the room.

"We may or may not be going to Paris." She yelled.

"You're joking." I ran out of the room and wrapped her up in a hug. "You remembered?"

"Of course I remember, I remember you loving French class in high school and when you took it at college. I remember you being obsessed with their culture and trying to tech me some of it."

"Do you remember anything I thought you?"

"Oui. I remember the basics." She gave me a kiss. "We leave here at 10:00 for the airport. Our flight leaves at 12:00 a.m. We are staying for three days and four nights."

"I love you so much."

"I love you too, Ty. Now go get packing, don't forget at least one nice outfit." She lightly smacked my butt.

"Easy tiger." I laughed. "See you soon."

"Bye." She yelled from her room.

I unlocked the door to my apartment and saw Josh laying on the couch. "Joshuaaaaa." I walked over to him. "Josh?" I shook him lightly.

"Hmmm?" He slowly opened his eyes.

"You okay dude?" I tried not to let any worry waver through my voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just didn't sleep well last night, that's all." He sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"You sure that's it? It five o'clock."

"Yep." He gave me a small unconvincing smile. "I must have fallen asleep this afternoon.

"Okay." I decided not to bug him about it right now.

"I'm assuming Jenna told you about Paris already?"

"Yep." I walked into the kitchen and got my friend a Red Bull.

"Are you excited?"

"Very. Are you going to be okay here by yourself?"

"Should be." I walked back into the living room and handed him the canned drink. "Thanks."

"No problem." I rubbed my hand through his shaggy hair then went off to start packing. After doing research on what Paris's weather was for the next few days I had finally finished packing. I brought my suitcase out to the living room and saw Josh back asleep on the couch again.

Knock knock knock

"Hi." Jenna walked in.

"Hey Jen."

"Are you all packed?"

"Yep. And very excited." I smiled.

"Good! What's wrong with him?" She motioned towards Josh sleeping on the couch.

"He said he didn't sleep well last night."

"Oh." She walked over to him. "Josh, are you okay?"

"Never better." The boy kept his eyes closed but smiled. "I really need to get up." He slowly set up.

"You sure you're good? 100%?"

"Yes, well maybe 98.4%." He laughed.

"Okay, well we are going to leave now. Promise me that you will call or text me if there is anything wrong, and I mean anything." I gave him a death stare.

"Promise." He nodded.


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