The End

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"Alright boys, you wanted more shows, I got them for you." Pete said over the phone.

"Yes!" Josh and I gave each other high fives.

"Five shows, starting in a month. The Basement on June twentieth, the next day, Newport Music Hall, Express Live, then the Nationwide Arena on the twenty forth, lastly The Schottenstein on the twenty fifth."

"Got it." I wrote it all out on a piece of paper.

"Good luck boys, you are both doing amazing." Pete hung up the phone.

"Let's go tell the guys." We went back into the Louisville Yum! Center and asked everyone to meet us in front of the stage.

"Okay guys, as you know we've been discussing lengthening the tour, and we will be doing five more shows all in Columbus starting the twentieth of June." Josh announced.

"So we have a little over three months for a break, if you want to join us for those shows let us know, if you don't, we understand. This last show tonight is going to be awesome. Thank you guys so much for traveling with us and dealing with us. This would not be possible without you all. Thank you for supporting us and being on top of the game for so long. We love each of you so much and hear enjoyed getting know all of you. Last day of the Emotional Roadshow Tour, let's kill it." I looked at the sea of faces smiling at me. We broke up and finished running songs, checking the screens, setting up everything, getting ready, then we opened the doors.
Last Tour De Columbus show
"Columbus Ohio, you were fantastic. We are Twenty One Pilots and so are you. Stay alive, we love you guys." I walked to the side of the stage and watched the crowd disappear.

"How'd I do?" I asked Jenna.

"Fantastic as usual."

"Thanks, love."

"Hey Ty?" She smiled at me.


"Josh come here." She grabbed my hand and the hand of our best friend. "We did it. We made it. You guys made it, you made your mark in the world and no one is going to forget it. I'm so proud of both of you, and I love each of you so much. And I have a surprise for you guys, mostly for you, Tyler." She looked at me hopefully.

"Yes, love?"

"I'm pregnant."

"No way." I brought my hand over my mouth and started crying. I was going to be a dad. The one thing we never thought would happen, is happening. I bent down, letting the excitement crash over me in waves. There will be a baby Tyler or Jenna walking around in nine months. New experiences, new inspiration.

"That's amazing, Jenna." Josh had tears falling from his eyes as well. Jenna bent down and wrapped me into a hug.

"You're gunna be a dad." I took a deep breath and stood up with her.

"I can't believe it."

"Oh my gosh I'm gunna be an uncle! I'm so excited." Josh smiled and him and Jenna walked away.

I looked back to the crowd, my friends who are in the same boat as me. We understand each other. Our own little family.

I looked back at my best friend, he made this happen just as much as the rest of us, even though he doubts it sometimes. I wouldn't be here without him, and the band wouldn't have made it this far or at all with out him.

I changed my glance to my wonderful wife. The women who was there with me through it all. My first and only girlfriend. I put a ring on it faster than I thought I would, and I don't think I've ever made a better decision in my life than to marry her. Now she's holding a baby, my baby. When we thought all hope was lost, we proved the doctors so wrong.

I looked down to the faded black paint on my shaking hands. I've come a long way. I'm proud of myself. I should be. I've survived so much, but not on my own, with the help of my wife, best friend, and my clique. I can breath without being crushed with criticism. I can create without feeling alone. I can be alive.

I took one last look at the rest of the crowd walking out of the room.

It brought tears to my eyes. Everyone parting ways. None of these same people will ever be in the same room together again. Never again will I see all of those faces in the same room. Over this entire tour I'll didn't even get to meet a third the fans that showed up to support me and Josh. I love them. I love them all so freaking much and I don't know if all of them know that, but I sure as heck hope they do. I would jump in front of a bullet for every single one of them. There are few, but we stick together.

They are brave, that's for sure. They wake up every morning ready to face the day. They power through some of the worst things a human could experience. They support each other through it all. They are my friends, they are my family. They are we. I'm in this too, they know that this music is like my lifeline, and it's theirs too. And we are proud of that.

They cry, they scream, they feel. People call them emo because they express themselves. I can't stand that word. Why do they, well, we get treated differently for being more human than everyone else? We don't bottle things up, and when we do, we show up to support each other and show that we don't have to do that. Express yourself. Be unique. Be real. Be emotional.

We are the few, the proud, and the emotional.

We are the clique. And we are fighting for our lives.

And that's a wrap! This was so much fun to write. I hate that it's ending, but all good things must come to an end. I hope it brought laughs, tears, excitement, and hope to you all.

I love each of you with all my heart.

Thank you.

~ Peteywentzy ||-//

Ps: I'm going to start releasing a new book either before or after Christmas, let me know if you'd like for me to give more details over it in another section of this book.

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