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Later that same night.

"We will see ya later Josh." I shut the door behind Jenna and I as we made our way across the hall into her apartment. "What did you want to talk to me about, love?"

"Um, okay." She sat on the couch and pushed her hair behind her ears, "You should sit for this." I did as I was told. "So you know how we have talked about having a child in the future."

"Yes." I was slightly confused at the topic she brought up considering we hadn't done anything in at least three months because of tour.

"Well I went to the doctor a few weeks ago while we we're on tour, Sara took me while we were in LA." She was talking about our good friends Sara and Brendon who we had stayed with for a couple nights. "Something just felt off, so we went to the doctor and they ran some tests." Her voice trailed off.

"What happened Jen?" I grabbed her hands tightly.

"Tyler, I can't have children." The words banged around in my head like a wooden spoon hitting a pan. "I'm sorry." She started crying again.

"Oh, no no no, sweet, it's not your fault." I tried to comfort her while I let tears start to run down my face. "It's not your fault." I whispered.

"I'm never going to be able to give you the family that you want. The chance of me getting pregnant ever are about one out of five." She continued to cry.

"Then hey," I tilted her chin up to look at me. "We are just going to try to get lucky one day." I smiled at her which made her smile.

"Thank you for not being mad."

"Why would I be mad at something you can't control?"

"I don't know, most people get mad at people over something they can't change." She pushed her hair back again.

"I would never." I kissed her forehead. "How about we head to bed?"

"Yeah." We stood up and headed to Jenna's room.


"I'm so tired." Josh groaned as we walked through the mall.

"Well maybe you should go to bed earlier." I laughed.

"I did!" He argued. "I went to bed at ten o'clock!"

"What the heck dude, why are you so tired then?"

"I also woke up at five forty-five to work out."

"Hey! Good for you!" I smiled at him.

"Yeah, I need to keep my endurance up so that it will be easier to get through shows."

"Makes sense." I nodded.

"I've been thinking."

"About what?"

"The new album. What is the color scheme going to be?" Josh asked.

"Oh, I don't know. You pick."

"Well I can't. What colors do you associate Blurry with?"

"Red." I said immediately. "He always has red eyes. He is always dressed in all black except his hat changes colors, sometimes it's red, others it's black."

"So red and black then?"

"I guess."

"Cool. I've been wanting to dye my hair and I didn't know what color to do, so I guess it'll be red." He smiled.

"Oh sick!" I gave him a high five. "So, what should I get Jenna for our anniversary?"

"I don't know dude. You've gotten her a necklace before, so prolly not that."

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