Start Over

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"Tyler. Wake up." Jenna kissed the top of my head. "You need your meds." She handed me a handful of pills and a bottle of water. I sat up a little and swallowed them one by one. "You can go back to sleep if you want."

"No I'm good." I rolled out of bed and went into the small bathroom, I got dressed and brushed my teeth. I could already tell that my hair was too messy to even try to fix so I went out and found my solid black baseball cap to put on.

"Salutations." Josh waved at me as I sat down.

"Hello." I laughed. He got up and sat down right next to me, practically in my lap. "Why are you doing this?"

"Because I love you." He laid over on me and started playing on his phone.

"Good enough for me." I shrugged. A notification popped up on my phone,

"Instagram: Jennaajoseph mentioned you in a post."

I clicked on the small banner and saw what could've been one of the funniest pictures of me and Josh.

"Took this picture of myself. You can see the boys in the back. I think Tyler loves Josh more than me." It was Jenna standing the mirror looking gorgeous as ever with me and Josh laying on each other in the back.

"Dude did you see this?" I showed Josh.

"Oh man, that's great." He laughed. I responded to her comment by telling her that she and Josh have always been tied for number one in my mind.

"Tyler Joseph! Are you telling me that I'm not number one!" I heard her yell from the back of the bus.

"I'm teasing, love. Of course you are." I laughed.

"Good." She peered around the corner.

"We all know I'm really in first though." Josh jokingly whispered to me.

"Duh." I smiled.

"Lunch time kids, let's unload." Sam put the bus in park and we all went into Chipotle.

"How much longer do we have Sammy?" I asked.

"About two hours. That's why we stopped for more of a brunch than a breakfast or lunch. Once we get off this exit, there aren't anymore restaurants until we get to the venue."

"Ah, good thinking Sam." Josh praised him.

"Thanks Josh." We ate in the restaurant which is unusual when you're touring.

"Let's go guys." Josh stood up from his seat and everyone walked out the door, "Come on, Ty."

"I'm coming." Josh snapped me out of my daze.

"Everything okay?" Josh asked as we walked out the door.

"Y-" I dropped down to my knees.

"Tyler?" Everyone has already loaded up in the bus except Josh who bent down next to me. "What's wrong?" I suddenly felt really weak.

"I-I don't know." My voice was shaky, everything felt like it was moving. I closed my eyes tightly then opened them, hoping the world would steady itself.

"Tyler, you okay?" I hadn't even noticed that Brad had shown up crouching beside me.

"I don't know, I think I might pass out." Spots blurred my vision and I put my hands in the ground in front of me.

"Should we get him in the bus?" Josh asked, concerned.

"No, we don't need to move him right now." Brad put his hand in my back and held onto my arm. Probably to keep me from hitting my head if I did faint.

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