Date Night

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We got back in the bus which was parked at the back of the hospital so it would be out of the way. "Tyler, how are you feeling?" Sam asked when I sat down beside him in the passenger seat.

"I've been better, but I'm feeling pretty good. Where is everyone else?"

"I dropped them off at the hotel we are staying at."

"Gotcha." I folded my legs up underneath me and zipped up my black jacket I had one. "Hey, does anyone know where my hat is?" I realized that I didn't have it on.

"Right here." Jenna came to the front of the bus and put it on my head.

"Thanks love." I looked up at her and she bent over to give me a kiss but pulled away right before our lips met. "You big tease." I got up and followed her to the back of the bus.

"No!" She fought against me, laughing. I pinned her up against the wall and pressed my lips onto hers.

"Ha." I let go of her.

"Meanie." She crossed her arms.

"Whatever, you loved it."

"Hey guys, get a room." Josh said from his bunk.

"Sorry, Josh." Jenna blushed.

"Josh are you jealous?" I walked over to his bunk and acted like I was going to give him a kiss.

"Ah! No I'm not!" He turned his head away from me.

"Sure you're not." I winked. Jenna and I climbed into my bunk and snuggled while we waited to get to the hotel. I fell asleep again but only for a little bit. I woke up when I felt Jenna get out of the bed.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up." She put her hand on my cheek.

"It's okay." I grinned at her then rolled out of the bed.

"I was going to gather up our stuff then wake you up."

"It's fine, sweet. Let me help you." I helped her pack up our clothes and anything else we would need for the night and went into the hotel. Naturally, Josh's room was right beside ours. "I'm going to talk to Josh, text me when you are ready, okay?"

"Okay." Jenna answered from the bathroom where she was doing her makeup. I knocked on Josh's door and when he answered he was just in a towel.

"Woah hello, Mr. Dun."

"Hello Mr. Joseph." Josh rolled his eyes and let me into his room. I jumped onto his bed and waited for him to come back into the room.

"I only have one more clean shirt after this one." Josh pointed at the solid black shirt he was putting on.

"Dude. I have been cycling out like three dirty shirts for the past week." I laughed.

"Gross." He flopped down beside me.

"I mean, yeah, it is, but it's whatever, no one else knows."


"Are you excited to go back home in a couple days?"

"Yeah. Even though it's not home home. It will still be nice to be back in the states. Traveling has been awesome, and the places we've gone are gorgeous, but I miss seeing a McDonald's on every street and being able to understand everyone's accent easily."

"For real." I laughed.

"So where are you guys going for your date?"

"Just a nice little restaurant that Jenna found."

"Oh cool, cool."

"Did you want to just meet us outside of the restaurant after we eat? We can send you a text right before we are done and you can walk there if you want. It's just around the block."

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