Being Sick In Europe Is Sick

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"Hey Ty? Do you think you'll be okay to preform tonight?" Mark asked me from the couch.

"Yeah, I'll be okay." My voice was raspy, but good enough to sing.

"Maybe we should take a break for tonight." Josh looked at me from his bunk.

"No way!" My voice broke.

"Dude you aren't going to be able to sing." Mark argued.

"Well if you all would stop talking to me, then maybe it could get better." I laid back down in my bunk.

"Are you sure nothing else is bothering you?" Josh rolled over to look at me, I nodded my head yes then returned to playing on my phone.

"How long until we get to the venue Sam?"

"About two hours."

"Why do the drives feel so long." Josh rolled his eyes. I went to my notes app and wrote out:

"Because you get excited about the show so time seems to move slower when you get closer to the actual even and seems to fly by when it's happening. That's why the drives feel five times longer than the show."

He read my screen then handed me my phone, "True."

"Stopping at a gas station in five, if you want to go get fresh air then put on your coats and shoes, we will hang out for about ten minutes." Sam said as he got off an exit.

I swear I had never seen Josh jump out of the bed quicker than he did after Sam said that. I also got up but at a much slower and calmer pace. I got my shoes on and my coat in just as we parked then exited the bus with Josh. The cold London air made my body tense up, but it felt awesome to be outside.

"Hats boys." Mark brought two knitted hats to us.

"Okay mom." My voice cracked.

"I don't want both of you being sick." He glared at me as we put on the hats.

"I'm not sick!" I kept arguing. Josh looked me straight in the face, he tilted his head to the right, then the left, carefully examining me.

"You're sick." He nodded.

"I'm not even running a fever so I'm technically not sick." I crossed my arms.

"How do you know you aren't running a fever?" Josh mocked.

"Because I checked when I woke up this morning and felt like trash."

"Ha!" Josh pointed at me, "So you do feel bad."

"Whatever." I crossed my arms.

"I'll be back." Josh walked into the gas station and returned when we were getting back in the bus. "Here." He handed me the warm coffee. "I also got you these." He threw the cough drops at me.

"Thanks, but really, I'm fine."

"Shhhh, you need to get your voice back." He took off his shoes and coat and got back in his bunk.


"We are here." Sam parked the bus and we all went inside to check out the place. Josh and I got to share a dressing room at this venue which we loved. We got our clothes and anything else that we would need for the show and put them in the room then went to main stage.

"Are you going to be able to preform?" Mark asked, "Last chance to cancel."

"I'm not canceling." My voice sounded a little better so to the coffee and cough drops that Josh got me.

"Alright. Let's sound check the openers after everything is set up then you guys." Mark yelled to everyone. "Ty, go rest we will get you when it's time to rehearse." I gave Mark a thumbs up then went to the dressing room. I got to text Jenna for a bit before I feel asleep on the couch.

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