Make Me Proud.

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I was hurting so bad i almost committed. I never had my heart broken by a human being before. And let me tell you it sucks. When Chres saw my belly he passed out. After 5mins of him sleep, he woke up and told me to explain. That made me mad because he knew what he did before he left. It's not rocket science. When you have sex without a condom, you make a baby. He then told me that he's not disowning the baby,but this is too much for him to handle then he left.

I didn't even get a "how are you?" or "is the baby ok?" I was mad at him but my love for him over shadowed that. I'm not mad, I'm very sad and abandoned. I didn't make this baby by myself yet I'm taking care of me.

Today me and Adonis was going to the doctor to determine the sex. I invited Chres before he left yesterday and I hope he mans up and take care of this baby. I got dressed and sat outside waiting for Adonis. Soon she pulled up blasting August Alsina Benediction. I got up and walked to the car and got in. She smiled and pulled off.

"Have you thought of names?" She asked.

"Well if it's a boy, I want to name him Romelo after Chres middle name." I smiled.

"Aw that's so fucking cute." She squealed in her seat.

"And if it's a girl, I want to name her lyric Marie Johnson." I smiled.

"I hope it's a boy. He's going to be cute and spoiled by his auntie me." She cheesed pointing to herself. I chuckled as we pulled into the doctors office. They wheeled me in and laid me in the seat.

"Ok relax and lay still." Doctor Layla said smilinng. She put the gel on my tummy and there it was. I started tearing up with tears of joy.

"Aww look Adonis. You see it's a head?"

"Yeah that sure is a chresanto head." She said. I chuckled and nodded. There was a knock at the door. We all turned towards it and seen chres standing there with flowers.

"You came." I squealed.

"Well duh. That is my child your carrying." He smiled and walked in. He sat the flowers down and held my hand.

"Would you like to learn the sex?" Doctor Layla asked.

We all nodded and she excused herself to get some files. I looked up at Chres as he was looking at the pictures. His eyes was filled with so much excitement it was so cute. I started crying again and I didn't know why.

"Why you crying baby." Chres asked holding my hand. I shook my head and wiped my tear.

Did he just call me baby?

The doctor came back and smiled.

"Welp looks like your having..."


Today Jacobs new girlfriend was coming home to meet us. I wasn't nervous but Jacob was. See auntie Teresa doesn't like too many girls for his baby. And he's been with A LOT of girls. Yeah man hoe. I shook my head and chuckled watching him pace back and forth. Next week kicks off their tour and he was nervous about that too.

"Jacob I bet she pretty and sweet. Just calm down. Take a seat and relax." Auntie Teresa said chuckling.

As soon as he sat down someone knocked on the door. He stood back up and raced to the door. I heard a girl voice and I sighed. I stood up and walked it the door and smiled behind Jacob.

"Who do we have here jake?" I asked.

"Oh um hi I'm Jessie." She smiled.

She was very pretty. She had icy blue ices and light smooth Carmel skin. Her hair was all over the place like Jacobs and they would make sexy babies. That's just me. I smiled and shook her hand.

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