American Wedding

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"Dylan!" I shouted as I walked inside her house. I've been calling her for days and it's almost christmas. I wanted to see what I should get melo for christmas. I also wanted to check on her. I heard their conversation and I felt bad. Chres played with her to the max. I understand she cheated on you but you said you loved her after that. You forgave her but still toyed with her emotions. You can't do that to a girl with a broken soul.

"Dylan!" I shouted walking upstairs. I opened the babies room and seen dasomeone with a gun to her head and a paper in her hands.

"Dylan?" I asked confused. She turned around with tears in her eyes. Her hand was shaking uncontrollably and she was in a wedding dress.

"Dylan what's going on?" I asked slowly walking towards her.

"Don't get any closer kayla." She cried.

I stood back and sighed. What the fuck.


"Ray where are we going and why am I in my pjs?" I asked hella confused.

"Shhh just ride ma." he smiled.

I got on Instagram and started liking pics. I turned my back towards ray and took a photo.

"Wait I wasn't ready." he pouted.

"Focus your eyes on the rode ray." I giggled.

"We're at a red light. Now I'm ready." he smiled turning towards me. I shook my head and put the camera up. He stuck his tongue out and I smirked.

"Do you like it or do we have to remake." I chuckled putting the pic together.

"Nah it was ight." he said driving again.

"Ight? well damn we some ugly mother fuckers then." I joked.

"You not." he smirked. I looked down at my phone smiling and put the pic on Instagram.

'We go on adventures🌀👐😘 @raytrendyme'

I locked my phone and felt my eyes going heavy. Damn this is a long ass drive.


"Dylan put the gun down. I just want to talk." I said trying to calm her down.

"No. I don't have nothing to say. Chres doesn't love me and that's it." she cried.

"So you're telling me that you finna kill yourself AND that baby for a dude?" I asked confused. That's a stupid reason.

"It's complicated." she mumbled.

"I got time. Come on let's talk." I said inching towards her.

She bit her lip and slid down the wall crying. I sat next to her and rubbed her back.

"Give me the gun Dylan." I whispered. She let the gun fall in her lap and I took it and kicked it across the floor.

"He never did love me kayla. This was all some game." She started. "I became a stripper to make a point. No one truly loves you in this world if you don't have nothing. When I saw chres in that club I feel in love. I wasn't easy and I wasn't trowing myself at him but I was deaf feeling him. We talked and I felt like we instantly clicked." She shook her head and sniffed. "I never been in love like the way I am now kayla. I never felt so..broken in my life. Being a stripper you don't catch feelings but something about him got me attached. He has me in he Palm of his hand. I can't live without him Kayla." She cried harder on my shoulder.

"Dylan calm down. You can do this. You got me Renee and now Adonis. I bet Kiera will even help." I said.

"It's not about helping kayla. I know I have help I want love. Chres gave me that feeling of love and now I just...cant live." she said standing up.

"Dylan what are you doing?" I asked getting up.

"What I should've done a long time ago. Talking to you made me realize that if I cant have Chresanto's love I can't have anything." she said picking up the gun

"Kayla what's going on I-Dylan?"



Who got shot?


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