House Party

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Me and Kayla walking in the school in silence. I don't talk no more. At least not to her. When Ej came over I hugged him and went in my room. I haven't seen the other boys and since they left, they don't attend this school. I heard after school were going to meet in Adonis basement like old times and just chill. I kinda don't want too. Lately me and Kayla are drifting apart because of the incident. I haven't talked about it since it happened. I only talk to Travis on the phone. He listens unlike some people.

I walked to my locker and opened it. I got my ish out and closed it. I had 1st period with Renee. I sighed and made my way to English.


I didn't feel like going to school today. My mom and dad was arguing all night and I didn't get no sleep. I looked at my phone and stared of my screen saver. It was me Kayla and Adonis on the beach. I was growing strong feelings for them and I don't think I can control it. I'm not finna go rocky on the girls, but imma let them know what's up. I know they're not gay but I can change their minds. I know I can. I got out of bed and went into rocky's old room. She had pictures of Adonis everywhere. I personally thought it was creepy but when I sat in here I became calm. There was this one picture of her and Kayla taking a selfie in the mall. I took that off her wall and put it under my pillow.

I walked downstairs and fixed me a bowl of cereal. I turned on tv and watched the Chris brown take over. I bet Adonis is recording this to watch later. She in love with Chris brown. Maybe if I get him to see her, she'll fall in love with me. I smirked to myself thinking of the things we could do. I could tie her up and shove three vibrators in her. I could get Kayla to watch or vise versa. I bite my lip imaging them scream my name. Fuck ray. Fuck Ej. It's my turn now
(A/N-I felt hella creepy typing that shit If you was wondering)

-after school-


Me Kiera and Kayla was on our way to my house to chill like old times. Things are becoming real weird in our squad and I think it's time we confess some shit.

I pulled into my driveway and seen my moms car. I groaned knowing they are home. We walked in and greeted my mom and Kameron. I walked to the basement to find Armani and some guy making out.

"Barf." I said. She jumped and glared when she realized it was me.

"Adonis get out. I'm busy." She said.

"Umm if you haven't realized this is MY basement now and forever. So you and your little boyfriend get the fuck out." I semi yelled. I hate sharing shit with other people. The basement has always been mine since my dad died and I refuse to give it up now.

She got up and pulled her boyfriend up the steps. I smiled and sat on the couch.

"Damn Adonis." Kayla said. Kiera sat in the floor and played on my laptop.

"I don't play about my shit."

"Omg I almost forgot to tell you! Guess what?" Kayla jumped.

"What." I said laying down.

"Well I went to tygas to look over the pictures and guess who was there?" She yelled.

"His baby momma?" I said.

"No Chris brown." She jumped.

I looked at her and pushed her off the couch.

"What did I say about playing when it comes to him?" I glared.

She got up and glared at me. "Push me again."

I shrugged and pushed her again.

"Adonis stop!" She whined.

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