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Me and the boys got out the bus and smiled. We was back into cali for the holidays. We had a Christmas concert in Cali and then we could relax. I smirked remembering Adonis words when we was on FaceTime.

"Home sweet home boys." Our manager Kenneth said stepping off the bus.

"You rocking it with us Kenneth?" chres asked.

"Yep." he simply replied.

"What about your family?" EJ asked.

"I have family in Cali. Boys don't worry about me." he said smiling and getting on his phone.

We stood there waiting for our parents. Chres mom picked him and Ej up. Jacobs mom grabbed him up and before I knew it my mom pulled up.

"See you tomorrow Kenneth." I waved getting in the car. He waved and we pulled off.

"Mom could you drop me off at Adonis house." I smirked.

"Baby she might be sleeping." she said.

"I want to surprise her mommy." I whined like a teenage girl.

"Ok fine but after you surprise her come home. I missed you too." she chuckled.

"I missed you more though." I said. she chuckled and pulled into Adonis driveway.

"See you later mommy." I said kissing her cheek and getting out the car. I pulled out my key and walked inside her house. It was quiet. Too quiet.

"What are you doing?" someone asked. I looked up to see her step sister Armani. She had no clothes on but a towel.

"Umm I'm here to see adonis." I said trying to focus on her face.

"Oh ok then." she shrugged and went in the kitchen. "To warn you she sleep. And she hates being woken up." she said walking back out with cereal.

"You eat cereal naked?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"You dont?" She smirked.

"I'm going upstairs now." I said jogging upstairs. That conversation lasted longer then I wanted. I reached Adonis room and peaked in. Yeah she was knocked out. I snuck in and slowly shut the door. I took my jacket off and untied my hair.

"Adonis." I whispered. Nothing. I hovered over her and started kissing her neck. She started moving a little.

"Adonis." I whispered.

"No." she groaned and pushed me off. I smirked and got an idea.

"Adonis you got one last chance to get up." I said lightly shaking her.

"No." she mumbled.

"Ok your fault." I shrugged and went under the covers. She made the decision to wear no panties. Just making it easier for daddy I see.

I started kissing her inner thighs. I felt her twitch and I chuckled. I stuck two fingers in the kitty and gosh was she wet. I didn't even do shit yet. hmm.

"Whaa?" she moaned in her sleep.

I slowly started to pump inside and out of her getting low whimpers.

"Baby wake up." I said against her kitty. She jerked again this time cumming for me. I pulled my fingers out and sucked them.

"Hmm sweet." I smirked. I looked up and seen that she still was sleep. I sighed and shook my head. She is a heavy sleeper.

"Plan B?" I said going back under. I forcefully shoved my tongue in and felt the bed move.

"What the fuck?" I heard her barely say. She lifted the covers and we made eye contact.

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