Die for you

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I stood there shocked as hell. I didn't know she had the guts. She really shot at chres almost hitting him.

"What the fuck dylan?" chres yelled.

"Why in the hell is he here?" Dylan screamed.

"Cause I have the right. What's going on?" chres asked.

"Kayla tell chres what I'm about to do please." she smiled.

This was too much.

"Um well chres, Dylan here is commuting suicide." I mumbled. He looked at her in disbelief and shook his head.

"Tell him why." she said.

I sighed. "she never experienced true love until you came along. She made a few mistakes but you just played with her. Now that she doesn't have your love she has nothing to live for." I said. After I said that it sounded mad stupid.

"That's stupid." Chres said. See.

"How?" Dylan said.

"Your killing yourself over ONE nigga and that nigga is me. I'm nothing special." chres chuckled.

"Your everything." Dylan whispered.

"What about the baby. Think about his life. Your due date is almost here." I said.

"So you mean to tell me I have to have a baby with someone who doesn't love me? This baby finna look just like chres." she yelled like he wasn't here.

"Dylan you need help." chres said running his fingers through his hair.

"Then help me." Dylan said.

"No you need professional help." he clarified.

"Chres why don't you love me?" she asked serious.

"I'm not in love with you Dylan. I was but I fell out." he shrugged.

"How?" she asked. This was getting real annoying.

"After you cheated I realized that you wasn't the one. Yeah I forgave you but for the babies sake." he said.

"At least he's being honest." I said.

"But.." She stopped and stared at the gun.

"Dylan just put it down." Chres said.

She didn't respond nor moved. She just stared at he gun.

"Dylan?" I asked.

"Stop. Talking. to. me." she growled.

I was confused agitated and hungry. I didn't have time for none of this all I came over for was gift ideas.

"I can't even right now." I groaned in annoyance.

"Dylan listen to me." chres started "just because I don't love you doesn't mean someone else won't. Your beautiful and strong and I believe you will find love someday." he said.

She looked up at us and a slow smiled crept up on her face. She walked up to chres and he smiled opening his arms out for a hug.

"Fuck you." she said pulling the trigger killing herself.

Murder,murder she wrote

My blood spills all over the pages

And my last breath is a crawl

I say that I love you

My dying wish, can you hold me close?

I going six feet under ground

Where you left me

I'm going deep hope I don't drown

Cause you're where babe

Do you a stone cold killer

I'm a need a body bag (you pulling on my zipper)

We watched as the cops investigated the place. They kept asking us questions and us telling from detail what happened. I can't believe she actually killed herself. That babies due date was so close.

Chres hasn't said a word yet. He stood there for the longest even after the police told him he needed to leave. Her blood was all over his shirt but he didn't move. I got some on mine and took it off immediately. I don't do blood sorry dylan.

"We found this." one of the police said walking up to us. "It's a picture of her and you sir." he said giving it to chres. "Theres a note in the back. We read it thinking it was evidence but it's apart of her diary. You can go in the house if you want to find it but after that you have to leave." I nodded and he walked away.

"Want to go looking for the diary?" I said. He nodded and we got up and looked. Walking back in that house made me want to throw up. They been zipped her body up but the blood was still there.

We walked in her room and started looking. We found it under her mattress where her strip money was. There was a note on it that said "Chres && Romelo"

"It's yours to keep." I said. He nodded and walked out.

"Rest in paradise Dylan and Melo." I said kissing my fingers and saluting them. I shook my head and walked out. We got in the car and I drove to his house.

"Want me to come inside with you?" I asked him. He nodded and I parked my car. we got out and went into his room, him ignoring his mothers constant call.

We sat there in silence him staring at the picture and the box.

"Do you want to cry?" I asked him. He nodded and softly cried in my lap. I played into his curls to calm him down.

Now I'm floating to the other side

Before the lies in your eyes

All these tears are coming down

Now you realized, you commited a homicide

Baby you got the gun

And you pulled the trigger

One shot put me down

So now I'm floating to the other side

For you I do or die

I drink, I smoke, I fly, I die for you


Was Dylan stupid for killing herself over Chres?

(R.I.P Dylan and Romelo)👼

Chris brown-Die For You


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