China vs Rocky

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I was driving to Adonis house to see if she has time to chill. I always catch myself thinking about her in the most random times. In the shower, when I'm sleep, at school etc. I need to see her before I explode.

I knocked on her door and her mom answered.

"Hello china. What bring you over?" she smiled.

"Is Adonis here?" I smiled back.

"I'm sorry Hun but she over Kayla's house." she shook her head.

"Oh well thank you." I waved and drove off in my car. I was mad that she didn't tell me she was with kayla. I pulled up at Kayla's house and seen them smoking blunts on the front porch. I got out and slammed my car door.

"Adonis." I semi yelled. I don't know why I was so mad but I was. She looked up at me and chuckled. I crossed my arms and glared at her.

"China what the fuck do you want? Didn't I ditch yo ass at school?" She said making Kayla giggle.

"Why are you acting like that?" I whined.

She stood up and blew smoke in my face. I coughed and she laughed.

"I didn't know you were another rocky. Stop acting obsessed like your grown ass sister and leave me alone." she growled. When she said that it only made me want her more.

"I'm not rocky. I never will be a rocky. Don't fucking call me that!" I yelled.

"Oop. Adonis you made little china mad." Kayla giggled.

Adonis laughed and inhaled the blunt. She looked so sexy doing it. Gosh if we wasn't outside. She blew out Os and laughed.

"Your just like your sister. The only difference is she's 23 and your my age so it's not as gross. China if I liked girls you would be the last I would go out with." She said all up in my face.

I took that time and kissed her. She immediately pulled away and slapped me.

"Stay away from me." she said and walked into the house with kayla.

I touched my lips and smiled. Her soft lips finally connected with mine. That's another difference me and Rocky have. I kissed adonis.


I was in my room staring at my walls bored. China busted in my room smiling like an idiot. I sat up and stale faced her. It's like we're in a competition for Adonis love and I don't know why she decided to join the club.

"Guess what I just did?" she smirked.

"What. humiliated your self infront of Adonis yet again." I laughed.

"Nope I kissed her."

I stopped laughing immediately. I've done a lot of things to Adonis but kissing her isn't one if them. I always dreamed of kissing those lips and not the ones in her panties. Well those too.

"How?" I asked.

"She was in my face so I kissed her. Of course she slapped me but it was worth it. Ha bitch." she yelled jumping up and down.

I sighed and laid back down. If this is war china wants then it's war she'll get.






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