Choclate bubbles

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She thinks I'm cheating? I slowly walked up the steps and got in the shower. When I got out I got dressed in some sweats and a wife beater. I put my hair in two braids and jogged downstairs. They both looked up at me and Adonis quickly wiped her eyes. Well not quick enough.

"Hey ray where you going?" she asked trying to smile. Fake smile face ass.

"Oh I'm going to the studio remember. Kenneth wants to see us." I lied. He did want to see us but not until 2:00.

"Oh well umm I'll see you later then." she mumbled.

"Ight." I simply said and walked out. I got in her car and drove to Jacobs house. I want to talk to Renee. I would talk to Kayla but she depressed plus Renee gives good advice on me and Adonis relationship. I pulled up to his house and see Renee sitting on the stoop. She stood up and walked to the car and got in.

"What did you do?" she asked chuckling. I laughed and pulled out.

"How did you know I did something?"

"Because you never come over here by yourself unless you looking for advice." she smiled.

"Adonis thinks I'm cheating." I said cutting to the chase.

"Well are you?" she said.

"No. I can't lose her again. I refuse to." I said honestly.

"Sooo..what gave her the intentions." she asked confused.

" know nique in OMG girls?" I asked.

"Yeah..." she said.

"Well..she likes me and I told her I was taken but she didn't seem to she kissed me." I said biting my lip.

"Ohh." She said.

"Oh what does oh mean." I said getting nervous.

"Did you kiss back?" she asked.

"A little." I said honestly. "But that was only because I was missing Adonis touch but in a milli second I realized it wasn't her and I pushed her off. The kiss lasted at least 2 seconds." I explained.

"That's a long ass peck." she said.

"Really?" I said looking at her.

"Yeah really."

"So what do I do? She won't stop calling and texting." I said desperate for help.

"Take me to her house." she requested.

"I can't I told her I was going to a meeting. Plus chris brown is over there." I said rolling my eyes.

"Damn. Ok Drop me off own the street. I'll walk and I'll talk to her." she said. I nodded and turned around. I pulled up at Kayla's old house and parked.

"Good luck." I said. She chuckled and started walking.


I knocked on her door and she immediately answered.

"I thought you were ray." she sniffed.

"Nope it's just me." I smiled and walked in. "why so sad old spice?" I asked sitting on the couch.

"I think ray's cheating on me." she sighed sitting next to me.

"You got evidence?" I asked.

"No." she mumbled.

"Ok then there's your answer. Having assumptions in your relationship isn't good at all. Talk to him before you assume. if he looks like a liar then gather your evidence." I said.

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