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Have you heard Chris album?!?!? He is legit my husband I'm dead serious too

Anyway..enjoy me chappie😊



I shot up and ran downstairs. Today is the new release date for Chris' new album X. I was so hype. I grabbed my car keys and called Chris while starting my car.

"Hello." his raspy sleepy voice ranged. I was up pretty early so I could get it before it sold out.

"CHRISS!" I yelled in the phone.

"Yo you are so childish Adonis." he chuckled. "What the fuck you want yo?"

"Im on my way to buying your new CD." I squealed.

"Why so early." he chuckled again. I could tell he was hype too.

"It going to get sold out so I want one before then." I grinned.

"Can you drive by my house I have a surprise for you."

"If I would've never called you, you wouldn't have this so called surprise for me." I smirked and pulled out my driveway.

"I would've and you would've thought that you wasted hella time at the store. Just swing by."

"What ever light skin boy." I chuckled.

"See you then dark skin girl." he hung up.

In no time I pulled into his big ass house and ran in. The door was even unlocked. I ran upstairs and ran in his room. He was lightly snoring which brought me to a smile. I tweeted a pic and then jumped on him.

"Omg Adonis." he groaned. I chuckled and rolled off him. He sat up and rubbed his face. "its 5 in the morning."

"You told me to come. Now what's my surprise." I smiled holding my hands out.

"Well for now it's sleep." He smiled laying back down. I sighed and laid at the foot of the bed. I was in comfortable clothes anyway.


I walked in my house to and regretted every second of it.

"Hi honey." my mom said smiling.

"Oh look it's mr and mrs abandon their child." I rolled my eyes.

"Now Renee they're still your parents." Aunt Teresa said sitting across from them.

"Sure." I mumbled and sat next to aunt teresa. "Now loving parents what are you doing here?" I asked sarcastically.

"We are here to take you home sweetie." my dad smiled.

"Home? I'm already home." I smiled.

"Now honey I know we did you wrong but It was for the best." my mom said.

"No it wasn't. This isn't ether meaning I'm not going anywhere." I leaned on my aunt and she rubbed my back.

"We will be back after New Years to get your things." my dad said ignoring everything I just said.

"See you later love." my mom said texting. When they left I broke into a river of tears. I don't want to leave my family. Especially all my friends.

"Auntie can they really just take me away like this?" I sniffed.

"Oh baby." she wiped my eyes and sighed. "I tried everything. I even tried to file custody but since they didn't physically abuse you they are still your parents. I can't do anything about it."

"How's Jacob taking this?" I asked.

"Not so well love."

I shook my head and ran upstairs. I knocked on his door and jiggled the door knob.

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