Lets go

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We was on our way back from our 'thing' when I came across a video off Kayla's page.

"Yo look." I showed ej. The caption read 'me and @mindless.savage singing to the baes 😘😏💁😴'

"Damn." I mumbled watching the video. EJ started laughing and rubbing his hands together. I think I turned him into a monster.

EJ dropped chres and jay off then drove to Adonis house. Her mom's car was in the drive way meaning everyone was home. We walked in and saw Adonis sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Where Kayla?" EJ asked.

"Kameron took her home along with Renee and China." she said.

"Ight well I'm out. See y'all tomorrow." he said hugging Adonis and leaving.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked sitting next to her.

"Kameron thinks that I'm too young for a serious relationship with you. He wants us to stop dating." she said blandly staring at the tv.

"What did you say?"

"I said fuck no, he wasn't my dad and even if he was still fuck no. Then my mom slapped me." she mumbled the last part looking down at her fingers.

I put her on my lap and kissed her lips. "no matter what they say we'll always be a couple." she nodded and kissed me again.

"Let's go to my house." I said pulling her up with me.

"I cant. I have to meet his side of the family tomorrow." she rolled her eyes.

Just then kameron walked through the door. He looked at me then at Adonis.

"Do you even process what I try to say to you?" he asked.

"Do you process what I try to say YOU?" Adonis repeated.

He sighed and rubbed his temples. This was awkward for me.

"You already know what I suggested adonis." he finally said.

"Yeah I know, doesn't mean I'm going to do it but I heard you loud and clear." she said taking my hand and pulling me upstairs. Armani was sitting on the bed they shared and looked up at us when Adonis slammed the door.

"My dad?" she asked looking at me. I nodded and she sighed.

"He always hated his daughters having boyfriends. Nothing against you." she said.

"Well I'm not his daughter." Adonis snapped.

"You will be his step daughter so chill with all that attitude.Your mom tells me what to do just like my dad to you. So suck it up and live with it." Armani said leaving the room.

"Irritation." Adonis sighed.

"I'm out." I said.

"What why?"

"I'm tired." I said kissing her. "oop almost forgot that video you put up damn." I bit my lip. "You lucky your family is here." I said in her ear giving her one last kiss and leaving the room.


I sighed and laid back. I need to go out. I sat up and dialed chris number.


"Hey chris." I smiled.

"Hey Adonis. What's up ma?"

"I'm bored." I whined walking to my closet. "you Tryna kidnap me for the night?"

He chuckled. "and go back to jail? Nah I'm cool."

"Please." I whined. "I have to get out this house."

"Call ray."

"He's tired."

There was a moment of silence before I heard his sigh.

"I'll be there in 10."


I was watching TV in my room when Kiera came down the steps.

"Where you going?" I asked turning my head.

"Out." she said tieing up her Jordan's.

"Dad said we have to stay inside tonight." I said flipping the channel.

"Your point is...?"

"What the hell is your problem?" I watched her walk to the door.

"Don't worry about it. I'll be back whenever don't wait up." she said walking out.

I shook my head and turned the TV off. I was tired as hell for some reason. As I was about to walk upstairs someone knocked. I groaned and jogged to the door.

"Who is it?" I shouted.


I opened the door to a smiling craig.

"Hi buddy." I said hugging him.

"Hey. I just wanted to give you your Christmas gift early. I won't be home tomorrow." he smiled.

"You didn't have to get me a gift." I smiled and opened it.

"I hope you like it."

I almost screamed my ass off.

"You got me a autograph trey songz picture." I squealed.

"Read it."

"To kayla,

Damn you fine ma💙

Thanks for being a fan

Love,Trey Songz" I read out loud.

I looked up from the note in amazement. Craig was standing there with the biggest smile ever, even bigger than mine

"How you get this?" I asked in amazement.

"I know people." he smirked.

"OMG thank you!" I said jumping into his arms.

He chuckled and put me down. "You still going to my party right?"

"Hell yeah. Your parties be on point."

"Good." he smiled "I'll see you then." he kissed my cheek and left.

I shut the door and jogged upstairs. I put my autograph in my panty drawer and jumped in my bed. Just as I was going to bed, someone knocked on the door.

"Why the fuck?" I mumbled to myself getting up. I jogged to the door and opened it glaring at the person.

"EJ you have a key." I semi yelled pushing him inside.

"Baaaaaeee." he whined as I shut the door.

"Whaaaat?" I mocked him.

"I'm hungry." he complained.

"Well there's a thing called a kitchen." I stale faced him.

He started walking towards me as I stood in my same position. Ain't nobody scared of him.

"I'm not kitchen hungry." he smirked.

I stared at him in confusion and shrugged my shoulders.

"Well figure out what type of hungry you are while I go to sleep." I smiled and started my journey up the steps to be lifted by ej.

"Put me down." I screamed.


"Why not?" I sighed hanging over his shoulder.

"Because I just figured out what type of hungry I was."



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