Happy Squad Years [Finale]

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My dad helped me bring down my suitcases and put them by the door. My flight leaves tonight so I had all day to chill with my friends. Since I was flying by myself I was going to live with my auntie who is also a famous model. She and my mom is the one who inspired me to model.

"Dad can I go to Adonis house today?" I asked pouting.

He smiled and nodded his head. I kissed his cheek and ran out the door. I got in my car and drove to Adonis house. When I pulled up I saw China crying on Adonis porch. I walked up to her and sat down. It got hella awkward afterwards.

"China what's wrong?" I asked.

She sniffed and looked up at me. "I had this..vision of me and Adonis together forever." she chuckled a little causing me to form a small smile. "I know sounds weird but it was true. I always wanted Adonis in a way that people shouldn't want others. I had these fantasies about us and I really thought that shit would come true. Reality hit me today."

"What happened today?" I asked.

"Some sense smacked me and said China stop obsessing over someone who doesn't love you. Of course it took me a while to realize but I think I'm over adonis."

"So why are you crying?" I was confused.

"Well she is still my friend and she's moving to atlanta."

"Oh yeah." I said remembering. "Well is she home?"

"I don't know. I couldn't make it without crying." She chuckled.

"Well let's go inside together." I smiled standing up and helping her up.

"Thank you kayla." she smiled.

"No problem." We both knocked on the door and in no time Adonis answered.

"Damn you look like shit." I said chuckling.

"Yeah well when your squad is scattering across the world you would look like shit." she smiled hugging me.

"Hello china." she said.

"Hey." China sniffed.

"Aww why you cry?" Adonis asked hugging her.

"I'm going to miss you." she sniffed.

"Aren't we all." Adonis said flipping her hair. Me and China busted out laughing and walked towards her basement where everyone else was. The basement was decorated for the New Years party tonight. I sat on the floor and laid out on Renee's back.

"Sooo. What do we do now?" Chres asked.

"Want to watch a movie?" Jacob suggested.

"Nah movies are too long." EJ said causing us to laugh.

"Well duh EJ." Adonis said.

"Where's Kiera?" Ray asked me.

"She's coming later on with my dad." I said.

"What are we going to do while we wait for the ball to drop?" Adonis asked.

"I have no clue guys." I said.

"How about we...just enjoy each others company." Armani said. "We all are splitting and even though I haven't known you guys as long..I'm going to miss you dearly." She sniffed.

"Bitch are you crying?" Adonis chuckled.

"No bitch when's the last time you dusted in here? My allergies are fucking up." she asked. We all busted out in laughter and gave her a tissue.

"Moments like this is what I'm going to miss." Adonis said.

"Let's think positive here." Ej said.

"I am." Adonis playfully hit him.

"Can we watch a movie now? I'm on the verge of tears here." China said.

"Aww china." adonis said hugging her.

"EJ you pick the movie." Chres said.

"Naaaah I hate picking movies. Kayla you do it."

"I'm unstable Adonis."

"What's a movie?" she asked shrugging causing us to laugh. "I'm just playing I'll be back." she said running upstairs.

"She runs weird yall." Jacob said laughing.

"You smell weird." Ray said causing Renee to bust out in laughter.

"I'm baaaaack." Adonis said coming downstairs. "since we all sad I brought down hella funny movies." she said throwing them in a pile.

"Do I have to go in the closet again?" China asked looking around.

"Haha no of course not Becky." Adonis said causing us to laugh.

"Which movie first?" I asked. Sitting around the pile.

"Is baby boy in that pile?" Jacob asked.

"No the fuck." Armani laughed.

"I got the perfect movie." Chres smiled.

-That night-


Parents, friends and family all gathered in Adonis house as we waited for the ball to drop. We all had horns and New Years hats on.

"The ball drops in 2 mins." Someone yelled.

"Come on yall lets go sit in front of the tv." Renee sighed. He parents were also here because after the ball dropped she leaving with them. Kayla has to catch her flight to paris. As for Adonis she leaves in the morning.

"You know we're going to see each other soon right." Adonis smiled laying on ray.

"Yeah and we all have iPhones so we can FaceTime and stuff." Ej smiled.

"Your so goofy." Kayla laughed kissing his cheek.

"One day we're all going to be successful and we're going to live in one big house." I smile.

"Yeah after this pretty little ladies model career shoots off." Adonis said hugging kayla.

"Yeah and Jacobs photography career." Kayla smiled at me.

I chuckled and shook my head. "when Ray becomes a great artist."

"Or when Ej becomes a famous singer." he smiled.

"Me and Adonis will give you free tickets to our tour." he laughed.

"Ain't that right though." she said flipping her hair. We all looked at her and laughed.

"Your so dramatic." Renee shook her head.

"Come on guys lets start the count down." my mom shouted.

I sighed as we all turned our attention towards the tv. I laid my head on Renee's shoulder and watched the timer count down.


"Where ever we go guys..I'll always love you." I said.


"Aww we'll always love you too jay." Kayla said smiling.


We all held hands as the numbers continued to go down.

"5...4...3...2...1. HAPPY NEW YEARS!" Our parents screamed.

We all looked at each other and grouped hugged.

"Happy Squad Years guys."



Am I the only one who shed a nigga tear?

I just want to thank EVERYONE who read this book. You guys really inspire me to write😘

The main question is...

Will there be a third book?


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