Christmas in California

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I know it's September but I don't care its December in the story😴




I ran downstairs and grabbed a water. I had my bag around my shoulder waiting for chris to get here. I gasped when I saw Armani walking down the stairs.

"Where you going?" she asked confused.


She sighed dramatically and rolled her eyes.

"You just don't get it do you?"

"Get what armani?" I asked irritated.

"You so fucking conceited. It has to always be about you. The world revolves around adonis. Drop your lives people Adonis is in danger." She mocked.

"I'm not conceited." I growled.

"Yes you are. You think you just so cute. Does the world know the real Adonis Williams? if they did they would laugh." she chuckled.

I heard a car honk indicating chris was here. I look towards the door and back at armani.

"If you leave I'm snitching." she said.

I sighed and texted chris to go home. I dropped my bag and backed Armani into a wall.

"I'm not scared of you. I don't like you or your stupid family. Let's make shit clear I am the real Adonis Williams. I'm not conceited and the world don't revolve around me...bitch." I stomped upstairs slamming and locking my door. Her other two sisters been left, so me and Armani share a room. I'm not dealing with her bullshit.

-next day-


I woke up and ran in the bathroom. Today was Christmas and I was too hype. Looking into the mirror I smiled and started to brush my teeth. I turn 18 next month and I was hype about that too. I'm finally legal to do some stuff.

After my shower I ran downstairs and saw Kiera already opening presents.

"Y'all couldn't wait for me?" I asked a little mad. They always wait for me and vise versa.

"You sleep too long." Kiera said. I want to strangle her in her sleep.

"Just open the presets kayla." My dad said taking a picture of me. I sat under the tree and grabbed a gift from adonis. I ripped the paper and gasped in shock squealing.

"My baby got me red bottoms!" I jumped up and down.

"Lucky." Kiera mumbled. Kiera was still 16 and won't turn 17 until march. She not really the girly type so she can shut up.

"OMG I'm going to attack her with hugs when I see her." I said kissing my spiked red bottoms. EJ is gonna love these.


Me and Jacob was fighting each other down the steps to the tree.

"Y'all fighting isn't going to change the amount of gifts you get." Aunt Teresa said shaking her head. I pushed Jacob in a wall and sonic zoomed my ass to the tree.

"Damn fat ass." he said rubbing his side.

"Mijo!" Aunt Teresa yelled hitting him.

"Dang getting beat up by women on Christmas day really?"

I chuckled and opened the present from my dad. I don't see my parents because I'm consider "an outsider" So I live with my aunt, but they think they an win my love back from gifts and money. I stared at my dads neat hand writing almost shedding a tear.

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