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Me Kayla and Adonis was on our way to Dylan's house. I don't know why but Kayla all of a sudden feels bad. We pulled infront of her house and got out.

"Adonis do you want to be here?" I asked.

"Nope." she simply replied.

"Me either."

"Guys come on. She is pregnant and has no one. If she goes in labor and no one helps her then what? Fuck whatever she done to chres and let's worry about this baby cause if chres finds out we didn't help her he's going to hate us." Kayla preached. She was right though.

"Your right." Adonis sighed.

Kayla knocked on the door and Dylan opened it like she was waiting for us by the door.

"Hi guys." she smiled. she looked horrible.

"I don't want to be here but Kayla just preached the truth so I'm here. Your lucky." Adonis said walking in.

"That's nice." she smiled. I felt kinda bad.

We all sat down and she sat in front of us.

"So I called your over here because I want two things." she said.

"Which is.." Adonis said.

"1 I want to apologize. I want to know we are cool again." she fiddled with her fingers.

"Well I already forgave you." Kayla said looking at me and adonis.

"It's going to take time for us to be cool like we were but we can take it slow." I said. At the end of the day she is alone and she needs us.

"Thanks." she smiled. We all turned towards Adonis and she looked away.

"Adonis." Kayla started.

"I don't know why you Adonis me because you know I don't condone cheating no matter who you are." she said.

"You took back ray and he cheated on you." Dylan mumbled. Adonis looked at her and squinted her eyes. "Say that again." she said.

Me and Kayla looked at Dylan.

"I said you took ray back and he cheated on you." Dylan said a little louder.

"1st off honey that's none of your business. 2nd yeah I did, but like I said I don't condone cheating. It took me 2years to fully forgive ray so you can sign up to be on the waiting list." Adonis said louder.

"Yo Adonis chill." Kayla said.

"Nah she all up in my business like she know me. Dylan I feel bad and Ima help but when Chres comes back you can kiss whatever we had goodbye." she said walking out and slamming the door.

"Damn." I mumbled.

"I didn't mean to say it like that." Dylan cried.

"It's not your fault Dylan. Adonis was always mad when it came to couples cheating ever since she caught her mom cheating on her dad when she was 4." Kayla said.

"Yeah she going to forgive you sooner or later. It won't take 2 years either." I chuckled.

Dylan sighed and wiped her eyes. "Ok. Um the second thing was I want you guys to be my maids of honor." she slightly smiled.

"Who you getting married to?" I asked surprised.

"Chresanto Lorenzo Romelo August." she smiled.

"But.." Kayla said.

"I'm going to ask him on chrisrmas. I know it sounds weird but I love him and what I did was wrong. I just want to create the perfect family he dreamt of." she smiled.

"Awww. Of course i'd be honored." Kayla said and I nodded.

"Thank you. Can you convince Adonis to come." she bit her lip.

"We will try." I said.


I sat in the car and played some Frank Ocean. I'm not mad at Dylan like I was before. I just hate when people cheat. If you not happy break up, but cheating solves nothing. I was scrolling on my insta when I came across a photo with the guys. They was vibin on stage. I smiled and doubled tapped. I came across another photo with the girls. I doubled tapped and followed all of them.

I can't lie and say they ugly. Pretty recognize pretty. Seconds later they followed back and started liking my pics. I went to twitter and got some new followers.

@Royal3R 'Yoo I miss @Breezybabee14 && @ejaaysBaby 😘😉'

I smiled and retweeted it. I decided to make a tweet.

'It's hot and I'm stuck in the car. Hurry up @ejaaysBaby @_poooohBear😫😫'

Kayla immediately retweeted it and noted me.

@EjaaysBaby 'come back inside then @breezybabee14'

I locked my phone and shut the car off. I sighed and walked back in her house. Dylan looked up at me and I slightly smiled.

"It got hot outside." I said sitting down.

"Ok you want some juice?" she asked.

"I'll go get it." I stood up and went into the kitchen where Kayla and Renee were.

"Looks who's back." Renee smirked.

"It was hot." I rolled my eyes and poured some fruit punch. "Why are y'all in here?" I asked.

"She wants chres hand in marriage." Kayla said. I almost chocked on my juice. What the fuck?

"Why?" I asked.

"She loves him plus he already forgave her adonis. All we waiting for is you." Kayla said.

I groaned and walked Into the living room. Dylan was looking down. I sat next to her and laid on her shoulder.

"I didn't mean to offend you." she whispered.

"It's ok you didn't know. I forgive you Dylan. All I ask is if your not happy with what you got please break up with him." I said looking at her. She nodded and smiled.


Aww there somewhat friends again.


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