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No matter what you say or what you do

When I'm alone I 'd rather be with you

Fuck these other niggas

I'll be right by your side

Till 3005, hold up

I was bumping in the car on my way to school. I somewhat have an attitude but it's whatever. I got out my car and saw a crowd infront of the building. Random hoes. I shook my head and headed up the steps.

"Adonis." a familiar voice called out. I turned around and it was the infamous Chris Brown. My mouth dropped to the floor. Everyone separated from Chris and looked at me.

"She knows Chris Brown?" "Eww he's here for her." "lucky bitch." was all I heard as I walked to him. He smiled and hugged me.

"Hey bestfriend." he smiled.

"Umm hi?" I looked around and all I saw were confused eyes. Trust I'm with them.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"Come let's talk in my car." He said pulling me away from my education. I'm not complaining.

We got in his car. Can I say that it was tight as hell.

"Soo were here. What's going on?" I asked.

"I know this is crazy because your 17 and I'm 25 but I think I'm in love with you. I know you have a boyfriend and all but my feelings for you won't stop. Your all I think about. Ever since I seen your picture with tyga I couldn't help but wait to meet you." He bit his lip.

I soaked it all in. Oh shit! He loves me? why? I'm not chis brown worthy.

"Umm wow thats..alot." I said.

"Yeah I know. I wanted to tell you in person." He looked out the window.

"So that's it?" I asked hoping it was.

"Yeah pretty much." He smiled.

"Well thanks for the talk and for being honest. Btw I love you too" I smiled kissing his cheek and left. Of course everyone ran up to me asking me questions but I ignored them. Wait till I tell kayla.


"That is not fucking fair!" I whined.

"Yes it is. You know I called dibs on chris." Adonis smirked.

"I know but damn. That's crazy. what are you going to tell ray?" I asked.

"Nothing. I didn't cheat. Chris knows I have a boyfriend and he knows that's it's rape if we try anything." she shook her head.

"Are you telling me that if chris busted in this class room right now asking for that pussy, you wouldn't give it up right here?" I smirked knowing damn well.

"Well..i mean..i don't know Kayla ok!" she sighed in frustration.

I laughed and turned around. The class was almost over and I have to FaceTime the guys before next period started.

-5mins later-

"You ready?" I asked Adonis and renee.

"Born ready." Renee goofy ass said.

I chuckled and called ej. He almost immediately answered.

"Hi baby!" I squealed.

"Hey." he smiled.

"Hi ej." Adonis and Renee yelled causing everyone to look at us.

He chuckled. "hi ladies."

"What's going on? How's your life?" I asked.

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