Do you like drugs?

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Hoemygawsh! I am sorry I haven't really been updating. Writers block slapped me in the face this past week.

Oop yo ninja getting her an iPhone 6 not the 6 plus tho my ish not bending in my back pocket got me messed up.

Anyway enjoy le chappie my cupcakes😊



We finally pulled up at the jail. We had to sign in and they had to check us. I could've sworn the guard was touching me inappropriately but I brushed it off. I'm here for one reason only.

"You ready?" adonis asked me. We sat in the visitor room waiting for the guard to bring back myles.

"He yeah." I said tapping the table. I heard adonis chuckle. I'm surprised the guards couldn't tell she was high. We looked up as we heard the door unlocking. Myles walked in with his hands cuffed and a grin on his face. That stupid grin.

"Yall got 10 mins." the guard said leaving the room.

"I don't remember saying invite adonis." Myles said glaring at her.

"I don't remember you saying I couldn't." I shot back.

"Kayla cut the attitude. I'm in jail for fucking sake. I got some years in here. What could I possibly do to you?"

"Are you really asking me that dumb ass question?" I squinted my eyes.

He chuckled and wiped his mouth. "you still smart."

"Why am I here?" I cut to the chase.

"Well I want to talk about your little friends Ray Ej Chresanto and jacob." he smirked.

"What about ray?" adonis said.

"Yall don't know?" he looked at both of us. We looked at each other and shook our heads. That grin formed again this time bigger than ever.

"Your little boys are selling drugs. They have joined the royals (fake gang in Cali).

I sat back in my chair and bit my bottom lip. The royals was the most dangerous gang fighting with blood diamonds (another fake gang).

"So what?" Adonis said.

"So they are selling on my terf. Tell them to stop and I'll leave you alone. Now Adonis is here I'll add her in the mix as well." he smirked.

"5 mins." the guard yelled.

"So you called me here to talk about gangs?" I asked.

"Blood diamond is my gang. Your boys are interrupting the flow. We haven't done action but we will. I wanted you to know what your boys are in for. If they refuse my request you, adonis, renee and Kiera can kiss your little lives goodbye." he smirked.

"I'm getting real tired of your face." Adonis stood up and left.

"Now that she's gone." he chuckled. He turned towards me and played with my fingers. "I honestly truly miss you." he smiled. The smile was real as hell that's what's creepy.

"Myles I have to go." I said standing up.

"Will you come back and visit me. Or at least send letters." he said as his guard came in.

"I'll think about it."

I walked out and walked towards the car. Adonis was sitting there smoking another blunt.

"I don't know who he was threatening but it's not me." she scoffed.

I started the car and drove off. Why wouldn't Ej tell me he's in a gang? Why is he even in a gang? He had money and he has a nice house so why is he trapping?

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