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Everyone was out doing some photo shoot while I was stuck at home. Chres had me staying with him so he could watch me more. Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I can't hang. I called Adonis to see where chres was.

"Hello." she said.

"What's up mami." I smiled.

"Oop is this Dylan?" she asked.

"Nah deez nuts." I sighed chuckling.

She laughed. "My bad boo. Ray move."

"Umm have you seen Chres?" I asked biting my lip.

"Well after the shoot, him and Kayla went out somewhere. Ray I'm on the phone move." She said.

"Hi ray." I giggled.

"Heey Dylan." I heard him say. I chuckled and got off the couch.

"Well if you see him can you tell him to come over."

"Of course love. I got your back." she said lightly.

"Adonis you good?"

"Hmmm." she said.

"Ooop. I'm just going to get off the phone." I hung up laughing. Ray always Tryna hit. I looked through my contacts and called my bestfriend justin.

"Hello." he said.

"Justin." I whined.

"I'm on my way love." He chuckled then hung up. I smiled and walked upstairs. I miss my bestfriend Justin. He's always there for me and vise versa.

I soon heard the door open and shut.

"Where is my princess?" I heard justin say.

"Upstairs." I giggled. He walked in the room and smiled.

"Hi love." he said hugging me.

"Hi." I smiled.

"So what's the stitch." He said sounding like Kim possible.

"I just wanted company. Chres is always out without me cause I'm pregnant. I can still do things. I'm a stripper for godsake." I explained. I'm tired of being excluded from things.

"Don't stress over him bae. Daddy is here now." He smirked. I giggled and nodded. He turned off the lights and turned on a movie.

I wasn't really paying attention to the movie. Over the years I grown closer to justin. I always had this huge crush on him and I know he liked me back. But Im in with love chres. I caught him staring at me and I blushed.

"You so beautiful you know that." he asked. I nodded and smiled.

"Kiss me." I whispered not knowing what the fuck I just said. He leaned in and kissed me. Chres hasn't touched me since I got pregnant and I was needing this. He got on top of me never breaking the kiss. I took his shirt off and rubbed his chest. He took mine off and unhooked my bra.

"You sure your ready for this?" he whispered seductively in my ear.

I let out a soft moan and nodded. He started kissing on my neck which drove me crazy. I love getting my neck kissed on , it's just my spot . Interrupting by my thoughts, I felt him pull down my shorts and panties . I just started thinking should I really do this , I love Chres but I have needs to you know ? When I was about to say stop, I felt him going inside of me . Shit. I don't wanna do this , but it feels so good. Fuck it!

"Justin baby go faster." I said breathing heavier.

I started moaning louder . And he started going faster. Next thing I knew we was in a different position. I was on top riding the shit out of him. We was in this position for about 15 mins when I heard someone clear their throat. I turned around and saw Chres standing there face redder then an apple. Tears was falling down his face which broke my heart. He threw down the flowers and stomped on them.

"You got 3 minutes to get your shit and get the fuck out my house." He growled before slamming the door.


-10 minutes before he caught Dylan cheating like the thot a bitch she is-

Me and Kayla went Into the jewelry store at the mall. I've been doing Dylan kinda bad so I wanted to make up for it. I was going to ask her to marry me. I know it's too soon but she is carrying my child and I want to become a family.

"I think it's cute how your all In love." Kayla said.

"Yeah I never really seen myself falling in love. I always thought I would remain the player. Dylan's change me and I love her for it." I smiled thinking about her.

"Awww this is cute." Kayla said picking up the ring.

"It is." I smiled. I looked around and saw one that caught my eye. It was Dylans birth stone.

"Hey could I get that ring engraved?" I asked the clerk. she smiled and took the ring out.

"What would you want it to say?"

"How about I love you." I said.

"Nah too ordinary. How about our infinities will never end." Kayla suggested.

"You got that off that movie huh." I smirked. She chuckled and nodded.

The lady engraved it and I got some free flowers.

"She's gonna love it." Kayla smiled pulling up to my house. My mom a and sister is out of town so it's just me and Dylan.

"Thanks kayla." I kissed her cheek and got out the car. When I walked in I heard moaning. I thought Renee was here with Dylan watching porn to keep her company so I laughed and went in the kitchen. The moans seemed to get louder so I decided to surprise her.

I put the ring in my pocket and grabbed the flowers and ran upstairs. I slowly opened the door immediately regretting it.

There was Dylan riding some lightskin nigga. Moaning his name instead of mine. That should be me. I had enough of watching so I cleared my throat. Tears was flowing down my face and I could feel my anger rising. She didn't say anything she just stared at me in guilt. I threw the flowers down and stomp on them.

"You got 3 minutes to get your shit and get the fuck out my house." I growled and slammed the door. I looked at the ring and shoved it in my pocket. Fuck her.


Poor chres😭

Big shoutout to my friend @queenbreeezy for helping me write this chapter.


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