Kick back pt2

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I waved bye to Jacob and Chres as I walked up to my door.The party ended around 4am and I was tired. I unlocked the door and shut it. My mom sat in the big red chair glaring at me.

"Adonis do you know what time it is?" she asked .

I looked at my phone and nodded. "yes it's 4:20."

She sighed and shook her head.

"Go to your room and don't come out." I nodded, ran upstairs and shut my door. I stripped out my clothes and put a big t-shirt on. I sighed realizing it was ray's shirt. My phone lit up notifying me I had a text.

.MINE💏😻😒💜-I miss you already💔💔💔

I sighed and locked my phone. I don't feel like being in my feelings but that's too late. My lite up again.

.MINE💏😻😒💜-Adonis I know you miss me too. I know you're wearing one of my t-shirts.

I m mad he knows me so well. I pushed my glasses up and turned on the tv. I need to get my mind off depressing shit.

.MINE💏😻😒💜-you're killing me not answering my text😭💔

I wanted to answer but I also wanted to make a point. I sighed turning off the TV and connecting my phone to my beats pill. I started bobbing my head as 'jay Z part 2-On the run' blared through the speakers.

.MINE💏😻😒💜-Please just text me back so I can sleep good tonight.

I unlocked my phone and went to his contact.

I sent him..'I hope in your dreams you fall off a building and when you are about to hit the ground, you jump up and fall off your bed😐'

He read immediately and began typing. I chuckled at his goofy ness.

.MINE💏😻😒💜-I love you too😂😘😉

I locked my phone and laid in my bed. I don't think I will ever fully get over ray. He's the one.

-next day-


Me and Jacob was playing black opps at his house. Kayla was online of course and playing but she was on the other team. She kept shooting me on purpose but ok I got her.

"Jaaaaaaay." Renee whined walking in.

"What brat?" he said focusing on the game.

"I want some waffles." she sucked her teeth.

"Then go make some the hell." he said making a kill.

"But my waffles suck."

"Go to Kayla's house and get some of hers." he suggested. Kayla's waffles be flame as hell.

"She mean." she whined.

"Renee you are 17 years old chill your life. Either learn how to make waffles or go pop a frozen one in the microwave." he said. I laughed causing Renee to glare at me.

"What that was funny." I said catching my breath.

"I'm going to kill both of you." she said leaving Jacobs room.

"Damit!" Jacob yelled throwing his controller. "Kayla play too much man." he sighed. I nodded in agreement.


I knocked at Adonis door hype as hell for today. Today I was showing her the room and I was mad hype. She soon answered in a big t-shirt and her hair mad curly. Damn.

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