Little Me

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This is a flashback chapter just incase you get confused so it's in ninjas(your author's) pov



Kayla and Adonis held hands while walking down the hall of their elementary school. It was time to go home and it was friday. They were the best of friends and no one knew their relationship like they did.

"Adonis let's go to my house." Kayla said smiling.

"Otay." Adonis said.

They walked towards the bus and sat down in the back seat together. Kayla's sister Kiera walked on too with Chresanto.

"Sissy." Kiera squealed sitting in the other seat beside them.

"Hi sis. How was 3rd grade?" Kayla asked eating Hershey kisses.

"It was fun." she said smiling.

"Hi Donis." chres said sitting in the seat in front of them.

"Hi santo." Adonis giggled at their little nicknames.

The bus started moving as soon as Jacob ran on. He sat with Kiera and sighed.

"What's wrong jake?" Kiera asked.

"Them." he replied trying to catch his breath.

"Who them?" Kiera asked confused.

"The big kids." he sighed running a finger through his hair.

"The bullies." Kayla said.

"Yeah. They took my favorite green pencil and pulled my hair." his voice cracked as he was rubbing his hair.

"Aww jakey." Adonis said.

"Maybe we can get them back." chres said getting hype.

"No they're the big kids chres. We will get hurt." Jacob said.

"So they hurt our friend and when you hurt one of us you hurt all of us." Adonis protested.

"Yeah!" they all shouted, besides Jacob of course.

"I don't know guys this sounds dangerous." jacob shook his head.

"Don't worry about a thing jake." Adonis smiled causing Jacob to smile.

The bus soon stopped and the kids all flooded off to their homes. Kiera Kayla and Adonis all walked to Kayla's house. Chres and Jacob went to chres house.


At Kayla's house, Adonis and Kayla sat in her room and did their home work.

"Kayla did you see ray today?" Adonis asked in a worried tone.

"No. He wasn't on the playground with me." she said.

"He hasn't been at school in three days." Adonis said.

"I know." Kayla said shutting her book. "Want to go to his house?"

"Yeah." Adonis smiled. She loved her some ray.

The girls got in Kayla's moms car and waited for her mom. She came out with Kiera and they soon pulled off to ray's house.

When they got there Adonis shot out the car followed by Kayla and Kiera. Kayla's mom knocked on the door and mrs Keisha,ray's mom answered.

"Aww hello ladies." she smiled hugging he girls.

"Hello mrs Keisha. Is ray home?" Adonis asked frowning a bit.

"Why yes he is. Come on in." She smiled. they all walked in and mrs Keisha led them to ray's room.

"Ray you have company!" she shouted before walking off. The doorknob twisted and showed a sad sick ray. His braids was nappy and his face looked like he hasn't slept in days.

"Hi Donis, hi kayla, hi kiera." he said blandly.

"Hi ray." Adonis smiled. "May we come in?" she asked.

"Sure beans." he sighed and let them in.

"What wrong ray." Kayla asked sitting on his swirly chair. Everyone loved ray's swirly chair. It would spin fast on his hard floor and make you dizzy.

"My daddy left." he said.

"Where he go?" Kiera asked.

Ray shrugged and leaned on Adonis shoulder. "he left mommy a note saying he has other family to take care of." he sighed.

"He'll be back." Kayla said. "they always come back."

"Mine didn't." Adonis said.

"He will adonis." ray said. "Remember what I told you." Adonis nodded and smiled looking down.

"Yall so cute." Kiera giggled causing Adonis to join her.

"Ray just feel better. Please for me?" Adonis said.

"Otay. For all of you I will." he smiled.

"Yaaaay." the girls cheered.

"What I miss at school?" ray asked.

"Jake is getting bullied again." Kayla sighed.

"But santo got a plan." Kiera smiled.

"Yeah we gon show them not to mess with squad." Adonis cheered.

"What's a squad?" ray asked.

"I don't know but my cousin Charles always says squad when he's with his friends. So I guess it means a group of best friends." Adonis shrugged.

"Otay I guess where squad then." Kayla smiled


This might seem irrelevant to the story but it's not


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