Kickback pt1

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I stared at the door like it was my life. I waited on Adonis to walk through that door and make me get that feeling she always gives. I love her and i know she loves me. I heard about her and ray's break up and I was kinda happy but at the same time I wasnt. They were so cute. I looked up and saw Adonis holding hands with Kayla and greeting people. She had on a jersey with a black bandeau. She had ripped shorts and tan timbs. Gosh I want her in that room.

I smiled and walked up to her and kayla.

"I love your outfit adonis." i smiled.

"Thanks china." she smiled walking past me with kayla.

I smiled and inhaled the sweet fumes of her cherry blossom perfume. This party will be interesting.


I sat on the couch and looked around. I saw Adonis hand in hand with kayla. I silently thanked Kayla and sipped my punch.

"You know a party is suppose to be turnt." someone said sitting next to me. I looked over and seen this girl. She was my skin color with short purple hair. Her eyes was a glassy greenish brown color that could hypnotize you to do anything.

"Who are you exactly?" I chuckled.

"The name is levi." she smiled.

"Well Levi I am ray."


I was holding Adonis hands for two reasons. One she look like a baddie with a fatty and I ship her and ray not her and some random nigga. Two china trying to kidnap my baby and it's not happening hell nah.

"Adonis want to dance with mama?" I smiled.

"Duh." she smiled.

We moved to the dance floor as 'Numb by August Alsina' blasted through the speakers.

"I looove this song." she said moving her hips to the slow beat. I let go of her hands when I noticed a guy behind her.

"Um excuse me."

Adonis turned around and crossed her arms.

"May we help you?" she said. I chuckled.

"I just wanted to dance ma." he said in a New Orleans accent.

"Ooop. Girl he's cute." Adonis said smiling.

"What's your name ma?" he asked. Oh hell nah.

"Bish she taken." I said moving in between them.

"By who?" he chuckled.


"Oh y'all two..?" he said pointing in between us.

"No this my main bitch." Adonis clarified. "and the name is adonis."

He smirked and licked his lips. "Roman."

I walked away from them to find ray. I found him on the couch cracking up with a girl. She was hella pretty I'll give her that, but she wasn't a bad bitch like adonis.

"Ray code red, code red." I said.

"Kayla it's ok." he chuckled turning back towards pretty eyes. I looked towards Adonis and roman as they slowed dance. I sighed and made my way to the bar. I need a drink.


I was dancing when I felt hands around my waist. I don't know who it is but I don't care. Their grip is amazing. The song ended and I turned around to chres face.

"Why do you keep doing that?" I asked.

He shrugged his shoulders winked and walked away. There he goes leaving me confused.


I was making my way to the Dj tables to chill with Craig and kayla. My new friend roman left but we exchanged numbers.

"Happy birthday nigga!" Me and Kayla screamed. We were louder than the music which didn't surprise me.

"Thank you loves." he smiled hugging us.

"This party hella fat man." I said looking over the second floor balcony. Craig's house was nicely big.

"Well I go all out for my birthday." he cheesed. I looked at the people and noticed ray and a girl on the couch laughing. My smiled slowly faded and I looked away. I guess Kayla noticed and excused us.

"Adonis what's wrong?" she asked.

"It's my fault." I chuckled. "I knew ray would do this shit."

"Adonis don't take it that way. They're just laughing."

I shook my head and walked downstairs. I ran out the door and leaned against Craig's car. To be in Cali it felt hella cool outside right now. My head was hurting in that hot house.

"Adonis?" someone said behind me. I turned around and seen a worried ray.

"I'm fine ray go back inside."

"You didn't seem fine." He said walking towards me.

"J-just leave me a lone." I said but he didn't stop walking.

"If Levi made you jealous why did you break up with me?" is he being serious right now?

"Ray you broke up with me. And I never said Levi made me jealous. I didn't even know her name until now." I mumbled the last part.

"Adonis admit it." he smirked almost inches from my face.

"Ray...i honestly think we should see other people. God gave us another chance and I guess we both blew it. We weren't meant to be like we thought." I said regretting every word. His smirk dropped from his face and he bit his bottom lip.

"If you feel that way..then we can." He looked away.

I lightly smiled and walked back in the party. I spotted Kayla and sat next to her.

"Adonis do me a favor." she mumbled.


"Get me a fan." she said waving her face. I laughed and got her a cold water. My friends are crazy.


I watched her walk back inside and sighed. I never wanted this to go this far. I thought being with Levi would make her jealous but it just made her want to see other people.

I walked back in the party and sat next to Levi and his blue haired chick. Levi is pretty cool and all but she no adonis. Not even close.

Levi turned to me after the blue haired girl walked away.

"What's wrong you look like you lost your bestfriend." she chuckled. I looked at Adonis then back at levi.

"I did."




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