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It started raining hella hard around 4:30am. It was Christmas Eve and i couldnt sleep. Kayla on the other hand was knocked the fuck out *le smirks*. I looked at her and smiled. Her hair was all over her face and her body was close to mine. I smirked and turned my attention back to the tv.

"Ej." she mumbled.

"Hmm." I said looking at her.

"I'm hungry..go get me some chocolate." She said sitting up.

I chuckled. "Why can't you go get it?" I asked looking at her. She glared at me and got out the bed.

"Lazy motherfucker." she tried to mumble. I smacked that ass as she was leaving the room. She turned around and flipped the bird.

"Round 3?" I smirked.

"No I'm tired." she said leaving the room. I laughed and turned the TV channel. Proud family was on.


I'm gon kill EJ. I slowly walked down the stairs and into his kitchen. I found my chocolate bar and instantly got happy. Me like chocolate. I broke off half and put the other half in the fridge.

"Kayla get dressed." EJ said running downstairs. He had basketball shorts on, Nike sandals and a white t-shirt.

"Why?" I squinted my eyes. I wanted to go back to sleep.

"Here." he threw me some shorts and picked me up.

"Where are we going?" I asked over his shoulder.

"Don't worry about it. Just enjoy the ride." he said putting me in the car. He shut the door and jogged to the drivers seat.

"Was you going to inform me that it was raining." I glared.

"Nope." he said pulling out the driveway and driving fast down the street towards Jacobs house.

"EJ slow down!" I yelled.

"Shut up, sit back and relax." he said stopping at a red light. I looked down and bit my chocolate bar in silence. This nigga here.

He looked over at me and kissed my lips. "Oop chocolaty." he said licking his lips. "I'm sorry I got smart." he sighed driving again.

"It's ok." I mumbled.

He glanced at me and sighed pulling over. He parked the car and turned towards me.

"What?" I asked looking up.

"Stop being so..easy." he amiled.

"Easy? You think I'm easy?" I said surprised.

"No I think your not arguing back and it's scaring me." he chuckled.

"I'm not because I don't know who this ej is...but I like him." I smiled. I honestly did like this ej. He was more controlling and mysterious and not letting me wear the pants.

"Ok then." he said pulling off.

"You could still tell me where were going."

"Or nah." he smirked.


Ej pulled up and I got in the back. We headed towards Adonis house to drop off kayla and pick up ray.

"Hey bushy head." Kayla smiled. Kayla, smiling at 4:54 in the morning? Yeah she got the D.

"Hey kay." I smiled getting on my phone.

We soon pulled up at Adonis house.

"Oop why we here?" Kayla jumped happily in her seat.

"You staying with Adonis for the morning." EJ told her.

"Why?" she asked.

"Don't worry about it just do as I say." he pointed to the door.

She sighed and opened the door.

"Where's my kiss?" he asked. She turned around and kissed his cheek.

"Bye jay." she mumbled and shut the door.

"Damn." I said. "No back talk, no arguing. What did you do to kayla?" I asked sitting in the front.

He laughed and shrugged. "Honestly you got to show her who's boss." he said. The back door indicated that ray got in.

"Hey ray." I said.

"Hey." he said un tying his braids.

"We going to pick up santo?" EJ asked.

"Yep." I said.

"Y'all didn't tell the girls what were doing?" ray asked.

"Nope." me and ej replied.

"Good cause they can never know, at least not now."


I walked in Adonis room to find her sleep. I sighed and tied my hair up.

"Adonis?" Someone called out.

"No it's kayla." I said looking around.

"Kayla?" china said walking out the closet.

"What the fuck?" I whispered.

"What are you doing here?" she asked confused.

"Bitch I should be asking you the same question." I semi yelled.

She stood there with the same confused look on her face. It made me mad.

"Where's Adonis mom?" I asked.

"She's at her grandmas with the rest of the family." china said sitting on the bed.

"Hell no." I mumbled. I shook Adonis and screamed in her ear. She ain't finna get rapped.

"Kayla what!" she snapped.

"China gay ass in here." I whispered. She shot up and looked at china.

"Good morning sunshine." China smiled and waved.

"How the fuck?" Adonis asked.

"Hey bitches I l- what the fucks going on here?" Renee asked walking inside.

"China being creepy." Adonis said sitting up ruffling her hair.

"No,I'm being nice." she said.

"Umm so anyway I love this juice." she said holding up fruit punch.

"Bitch get out my room." Adonis chuckled getting up. "Yoo where the boys?" she asked.

"Out." I rolled my eyes remembering what EJ said. His nerve.

"Out where?" Renee asked.

"EJ wouldn't tell me." I shrugged.

"But it's Christmas Eve." Adonis pouted. "Whatever I'm hungry." She walked past china causing china to smack her ass.

"China don't get smacked." Adonis said still walking.

"My bad I can't help it." she smirked.

Hell nah.




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