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Me Adonis Kayla and Renee was at chres house trying to cheer him up. He told us how Dylan cheated on him with a lightskin nigga. That's foul even for her.

"Chres you know you cant change a hoe into a house wife." Kayla stated.

"Ain't that the truth." Renee said.

"Come on y'all we was her friends now we talking about her." I said.

"She messed with the wrong one. Chres is our brother and he never would even think about cheating on her. He started to man up and what she doing? Having sex with lightskin niggas." Adonis said.

"Ok what does his skin color have to do with anything?" I asked.

"Everything. Dylan's darkskin." Renee clarified.

"Sooo...?" I asked confused.

"Nevermind your white. You won't get it." Adonis said.

"Look guys I'm glad your here but this isn't helping." Chres sighed.

"Want me to cut her?" Kayla asked.

"As much as I do no. That won't do nothing. She still carrying my baby." he said.

There was a knock on the door Adonis went to answer it.

"Speaking of the devil." she said. We all looked up and seen Dylan slowly walking in. Chres got up and walked in the kitchen.

"Umm can I talk to chres alone please?" she mumbled.

"Nah don't mumble now. You wasn't mumbling when you was riding that lightskin nigga last night." Renee said.

"Girls she good just go." Chres said drinking water.

"You sure bro?" Kayla said. He nodded and hugged us. Adonis glared at her and walked by. We all walked out and piled in Kayla's car.

"Poor chres." Kayla said before pulling out.


Horrible is a understatement. I felt like shit. When I saw chres standing there I wanted to blow up. I wanted to reverse time and never had invited Justin. When the girls left I felt their anger and hatred towards me. I don't blame them though. I hate myself for what I did.

I stood in the same spot and stared at the ground.

"Are you going to stand there or say something. I have a lunch date with Drea in an hour." He said.

"Wait y-you already moved on?" I asked shocked.

"Yep. Anymore questions?" he said looking at his nails.

"Look at me chres." I demanded. He slowly looked at me with eyes full of hatred and sad.

"You was never home chres. You left me home like I was just a dust collector. I was bored and I needed company." I started.

"So you cheat on me because you was bored? Wow that's a good excuse." He rolled his eyes and sat down.

"Chres I'm sorry ok. It was wrong and I'm stupid for letting it happen." I said honestly.

"I hear you." he said.

"So now what? I asked.

"Well when you have that baby I'll take care of it. But that's it. No relationship no nothing between us. I trusted you Dylan and now I don't." He started walking to the door.

"Chres you was never there! You never did shit but knock me up." I yelled.

He turned around and glared at me. He went into his pocket and pulled out something shiny. My face soften and I covered my face. "chres what I-is that?"

"A ring. Yesterday I realized I was treating you wrong and I wanted to make it right. Yesterday I realized I loved you and I wanted this family to work. Yesterday I realized I wanted the family that I never had growing up. Yesterday I realized I wanted you as my wife. But yesterday my so called wife was to busy riding dick." He said turning red. "It sucks to come home all happy to have your dreams shattered by the one you thought loved you. It sucks to think I trusted yo ass. It sucks because I changed my fucking ways for you. I was going to be the best father and husband ever. I did everything for you. I even told Tm I was going to ask the love of my life to marry me. They told me to go for it. Your a fucking selfish bitch. It's all about what you want and what you need. Dylan if you weren't happy why didn't you say shit?" he was now shedding tears and so was I.

I was being a selfish bitch. He picked up the ring and showed me it. It was my birthstone and had words in graves in it. The ring was beautiful.

"It says our infinities never end. That's where I've been. Why I'm never here. I was planing shit for our fucking future. But I guess your needs come first right? I would never cheat on you. The thought never crossed my mind. I see it crossed yours though." He glared in my face. I was silent. There's was nothing I could really say.

"Oh now you don't have shit to say huh? Get out." he said.

"Chres ju-"

"Chres." he said mocking me. "Don't call me unless it has something to do with the baby. Other than that your dead to me." He growled turning towards the door.

"Chres look me in my eye and say you don't still love me. And I'll leave." I cried. He turned around tears flowing down his face.

"You know I can't do that. I still love you Dylan. But I don't think I could ever forgive you for this. You cheat on me once stupid you. Cheat on me twice stupid me." he cried. I never seen chres cry before. It's a sad sight to see.

"I didn't mean t-"

"Just go Dylan." he sighed. I nodded and walked out. The door slammed behind me and I jumped.

I have no one left.


Was chres too harsh?

Was Dylan being a bitch?

What did Justin being lightskin have to do with anything?

(A/n-I was shedding a few nigga tears typing this chapter.😭😭)


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