Missed Me?

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It's been months since we seen the boys. Everyone kinda forgot they left in a way. The others don't know this but they visiting today. Mindless behavior was a popular boy band around the world. They sent CDs and posters and we all hung them on the wall. I was so happy that they're finally living their dream. I kept looking out the window waiting for that white van to pull up.

"Girl they will be here. Just relax." Auntie Teresa chuckled and sat on the couch. I couldn't wait to see Jacob. I missed him like crazy. I looked at my phone and seen Kayla texted me.

Kayla-aye homie come over to Dylan's house.



Me-because I can't

Kayla-if your watching porn you can watch it over here too😂

Me-I'm not watching porn Kayla I just spending time with my aunt.

Kayla-have fun

I locked my phone and sighed. When I looked up the white van was in the drive way. I squealed and ran outside. I seen a bushy Afro behind the van and ran towards it. I tackled Jacob to the ground and hugged him tight.

"Someone missed me." He said smirking. I looked at him and covered my face. His voice was hella deep and he didn't have such a baby face. I got up and helped him up.

"Where's the rest of the guys?" I asked.

"Home. The driver dropped them off already." He said walking in the house. The driver pulled out and I waved bye walking in the house. Jacob and auntie Teresa was Huggins and I joined in. I surly did miss this goofball.


"Girl why can't I wear none of your shoes?"

"Because Anthony your feet are huge." I said chuckling.

"But your swag is out of this world." He said smiling.

"Thank my bae Kayla. She always got the latest Jordan's and gets me them too." Ever since Kayla became a model, she was getting money.

"Thank you Kayla." He said. I laughed and laid on his shoulder. I got a text from Kayla saying come to Dylan's house. I kinda didn't want to because her mood swings was off the charts and it was annoying. Dealing with this new family and ray absents was too much already. To top that off I teach a singing class at school. So that's a lot of work too. I met Anthony at a club one day and we instantly clicked. He never flirted with me because I told him about ray. He more of a brother too me. There was a knock at my door and I groaned. Everyone but me had plans today in my house so I decided to call up Antony to chill.

I sighed and got off the couch. When I opened the door I almost passed out.

"Ray." I chocked.

"Yeah it's me." He smiled.

I smiled and jumped in his arms almost knocking him over. He doesn't know how much I missed him.

"Ok ok calm down girl." He smirked and put me down. I smiled and sat, pulling his arm with me.

"Ray this is my brother Anthony, Anthony this is my boyfriend ray." I said cheesing like hell.

They nodded at each other and Anthony got up.

"I'm out love." He said. I walked towards him and hugged him. He nodded at ray again and left. I turned to ray and jumped on him.

He chuckled. "Adonis I was gone for like Three months."

"Three months too long bae." I said laying on his chest. I really missed niggahontas.


Urg I'm so mad. No one came over my house today and I'm all alone with this fat ass stomach. And to think I was going to make them grilled cheese.

I sat on the couch and pouted. I really wanted company over. Being three months pregnant is hard. You throw up a lot and the mood swings. I know my friends are tired of me and my crazy outbreaks but it's not my fault. And to makes matters worse I never told Chres I was pregnant. I know for sure it was his because he's the only one I had sex with in the last 5 months.

I sighed as music videos played in my tv. Someone knocked on my door and I got up. I sorta waddled to the door and opened it. I got wide eyes and so did he.

"Y-your pregnant?"


I sat at home hoping someone went to Dylan's house. She been bugging me but I been busy lately. I have a life too you know. I sighed and continued to paint my nails while Ashley by Big Sean played in the background. Later on today me and Adonis was going to China's house. I hope she doesn't try what she did last time. Someone was twisting my doorknob to my room. I stood up and opened my door. Ej stood there with flowers and a teddy bear. I smiled and hugged him.

"Hey love." He said kissing me. I took the gifts and sat them down. Ej shut my door and laid in my bed. I laid next to him and smiled.

"I missed you Ej." I said.

He nodded and held me. I traced little circles in his chest while looking up at him. He had a certain emotion written on his face that it made me confused.

"What you thinking about?" I asked.

"I...I love you Kayla."


Awe shit





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