Cant be friends

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I got off the phone and sighed. Kayla just called me and told me the news. I was too shocked. I didn't know Dylan was that lost in her emotions. I looked over at a sleeping ray and shook my head. He's hiding something from me and I know it. His phone been going off all night. I went through it and it's the same Atlanta number. I know who too.

I got out the bed and went downstairs to get some water. I want ray to spill the truth and fast before I get pissed. Someone knocked at the door which interrupted my thoughts. I walked to the door and opened it. Before I could even look to see who it was I was forcefully kissed. I pushed the person off and looked up to see a tired Chris. Chris mother fucking brown just kissed me. Yeah my dreams have came true.

"What. The. Fuck." I asked wiping my mouth.

"I'm sorry I was just..riding on my bike to clear my head and I ended up here. I caught myself thinking of you and I..we can't be friends." he said biting his lip.

I pouted. "why."

"Because of that!" he semi yelled. I looked at him confused and poked out my lip. I do that when I'm confused.

He sighed and sat down. "We can't be friends because I'm in love with you. I respect you being in a relationship but me hanging out with you won't make me fall out of love with you. I just need to forget you and kissing you made it even harder." he said getting up.

"Well I'm sorry." I said.

"No no it's not your fault. It's mine." he clarified. I nodded and opened my arms for a hug.

"Adonis." he whined.

"I just want a hug. Please I really need it." my voice cracked.

"Whoa whoa. What's wrong?" he asked sitting back down. I sighed and sat next to him. I leaned my head on his shoulder and he ran his fingers in my hair.

"What's wrong adonis?" he asked again in a calm tone.

"I think the love of my life is cheating on me...again."


I woke up when I heard talking downstairs. I groaned and noticed Adonis wasn't next to me. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I walked downstairs but saw something that made me run back up. Chris brown just kissed my girlfriend. I listened in on their conversation. I learned that he's in love with Adonis and that they can't see each other because of it. At least he respects our relationship.

"I just want a hug. Please I really need it." Her voice cracked. Whoa is she crying. I started getting lost in all the reasons as to why Adonis is crying. One thing she says caught my attention to the fullest.

"I think the love of my life is cheating on me..again."


Is chris tripping?

Is ray cheating?


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