Have fun

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We all was at the airport with the guys. Their tour starts today and we helped them check in and stuff. This makes my plan easier with EJ and ray out the way.

"Well this is goodbye again." Adonis said speaking up. No one was talking.

"Goodbye is forever. See ya later is temporary." Ray smiled hugging her.

"Have fun boys. Don't forget us." Kayla choked out. EJ hugged her as she cried.

"Ima miss you big head." Renee said to jacob.

"Ima miss you more." He said smiling.

"Love you chres." Dylan said. Didn't they break up?

"You too Dylan." He kissed her.

We all exchanged hugs and waved to the boys while they walked away.

"6 whole months without the boys. How y'all feel?" Adonis asked.

I'm feeling good.

"Like shit." Kayla sniffed and walked out. We all followed and got in the car. We dropped off Adonis and Kayla first then renee. Then pulled up at my house.

"Bye Dylan." I faked smiled and got out. When I walked in I almost died.

"Hey baby sister."


Me and Kayla walked in my house to my whole family staring at us.

"I didn't know Kayla was staying." my mom said.

"Well now you do. Let's go kayla." I said walking up the steps.

"Wait a sec. Now I love Kayla like she's my own, but you have a family now. You can't just invite whoever." she said.

"I always did that with kayla. Don't act brand new mom. Just because they are here don't mean shit." I glared.

"Watch your mouth adonis!" she yelled.

"Adonis Ima call you. I need to go home anyway. Bye mrs Williams." Kayla smiled and left.

"Wow mom that was cool." I said sarcastically.

"Look I know ray leaving is hard but that attitude got to go." she said.

"This attitude has nothing to do with ray. It has everything to do with this so called family. You can't force me to like them mom. I hate change and I hate this family. Now if you excuse me I have to go cry in my pillow for an hour." I ran upstairs and slammed my door shut. I sat on my bed and stared at my screen saver. It was the picture from Jacobs photo shoot. One was me and Kayla and the other was me and ray. I smiled and locked my phone. Depressed state here I come.


I walked home and went in my room. As I took my shirt off someone came in.

"I thought I told you to leave me alone." I said turning around.

"You know I can't stay away from you." Craig said smiling. Gosh I love his smile.

"What do you want craig?" I said annoyed.

"You already know what I want kayla. Lets not play these middle school games." He smirked walking up to me.

"Craig you know I have a boyfriend." I said backing up onto the wall.

"What he doesn't know won't hurt him." He said kissing my neck. Gosh it felt so good. I'm a hypocrite. I pushed him off me and bite my lip.

"Craig your not ugly at all. I do have feelings for you but I don't cheat. No matter how much I want to kiss you I can't bare to live with myself if I cheated on EJ." I sighed. I love him too much.

"Your right. I'm sorry.. I just love you." He said. "I'll go now." he said leaving.

I sighed and slid down the wall and covered my face. This is going to be one long 6months.


I was braiding Rachel's hair into two big one so she could look cute for school tomorrow. I can't believe that bitch Jessie is going to my school. For what? I shook my head and finished braiding Rachel's hair.

"All done big hair bitch." I smiled.

"You my bitch." Rachel smirked.

"We sound like we in jail." I stated.

"Hell nah." she laughed and went out the room. I missed Jacob like crazy. Good thing I got my other cousins.




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