Locked up

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-next day-


We go back to school in a week and I'm low key not ready. I don't feel like going back. Me and adonis sat downstairs in the basement waiting for my dad. He said he had a big surprise for us. Of course adonis didn't care but her mom did so.

"Adonis what is Chres favorite color?" I asked her.

"Why?" she said not looking up from her phone.

"Just want to know." I shrugged.


I nodded and turned away to hide my smile. One step closer.

"Ok ladies." My dad said running down the steps.

"I'm a man." Adonis said with a straight face which caused me to laugh.

"Ok? Anyway I have great news about the wedding." he grinned.

"Tell us already." I chuckled.

"Ok so I want someone to sing our song at our wedding." he looked at us.

"You want me and Armani to sing at your wedding?" Adonis asked. He nodded extra fast still holding a big grin.

"I'm down." I said looking at adonis.

"For my mom." She crossed her arms.

"Thank you girls so much. I really appreciate it." He hugged us and ran back upstairs.

"Your dad needs help." Adonis said.

"I know."


Yesterday Ej took me to the condo that he wants to buy for me and him. I don't plan of moving out until I graduate high school but it was a pretty condo. Ej was with his mom today so I was chilling at home alone. My dad and Kiera was doing daddy daughter tine. I wasn't jelly cause trust she needed it. I felt like she is hiding something from me and it's pretty deep considering we use to tell everything to each other.

A phone call interrupted my thoughts and without looking at the caller id, I answered.


"Hello kayla, miss me?"

My mouth slowly opened hearing the snicker of the voice on the phone.

"m-myles." I stuttered.

"Haha I guess you did miss me." He chuckled.

"Y-you're suppose t-to be dead."

"Well I'm not. Anyway I want to meet up and talk about old times."

"Myles leave me alone." I semi yelled about to hang up.

"If you Han up this phone I will kill you. Don't believe me?" he growled.

I believed him. He was capable of anything.

"What do you want?"

"I want to see you. Meet me at 450 Bauchet street." he said while I wrote down the address.


"Today princess." I could tell he was smirking. A chill ran over me at he thought of it.

"Don't fucking call me that." I growled.

"Just meet me and bring your ID." he said hanging up immediately afterwards. I looked around and got dressed. Even though he's no where near me he still scares me. I got in my car and sped off down the street. I want Adonis to come with me just in case he try something.

I pulled into her driveway and she was on her porch smoking a blunt. Damn she must be irritated.

"Bae." I said walking up to her.

"Yes." she chuckled.

"Come with me." I said pulling her arm.

"Whoa whoa whoa. First off bish whet?" she giggled.

"Myles just called me and he wants to meet me and I want you to come." I cried.

Her facial expression changed to a serious one.

"Ok hold on." she ran back in the house. I walked to my car and got in. She ran out with her hair tied up and some nike slippers. She looked like she was about to fight a hoe. She got in and we pulled off.

"I thought his ass was dead." she said.

"Me fucking too!" I screamed hitting he steering wheel. "Yo can you put this address in your phone for me?" I asked handing her he paper to wrote it on.

"Yup." she replied. I started blasting my Trigga album to relieve my stress.

"Umm Kayla?"

"What." I kinda snapped.

"This is a jail facility." she said. I slammed on the brakes as our heads flew forward.

"In the hell?" I said grabbing her phone.

"He's in jail." she shrugged taking her phone back.

"Well now I definitely want to see him."


Very very very boring I apologize.


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