Big shocker

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I went downstairs and got a glass of water. Someone walked in as I jumped on the counter. Kiera stumbled passed me giggling some words under her breath.

"Kiera?" I said jumping off the counter. She turned around and smiled big hugging me.

"Adonis! Damn where have you been?" she slurred.

"Well I've been here. Where have you been?" I said.

"No where just chilling." she giggled.

"Are you drunk?" I asked.

"N-no." she burped and giggled.

"Kiera what the fuck! Your 16 nigga. Kayla told me you've been acting up. Sit down." I pointed to the stool next to me.

"I'm not drunk adonis." She said with a serious face.

"Sit down now." I growled.

She slowly sat down and rubbed her head.

"I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you but ever since the incident with Myles you been acting different. And I don't like it one bit. You need to move on."

"How can I move on when.." she stopped.

"When what kiera?"

"When he raped me! there I said it. He raped me not one but two times while I was in that basement." she screamed. I stood there in shock.

"Did you tell kayla?" I asked surprised.

"I didn't tell anyone because I didn't want Kayla worried. So I've been acting out lately." she mumbled.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"It's ok you didn't know."

I hugged her and sent her upstairs. I ran my fingered through my hair and sighed. This shit here. Someone knocked on the door and I went to answer it.

"Hey baby." ray said walking in. The boys all came in behind him all tired looking.

"What was y'all doing?" I said looking at them surprised.

"Nothing." chres mumbled walking upstairs.

"Ok?" I shook the feeling off following them upstairs.

I went into Kayla's room telling her the boys was here. Her and Renee both woke up and went their separate ways. Ray walked in and shut the door. This was Kayla's room and I was not about to disrespect it like that.

"Ray what?" I asked kinda tired.

"You look good." he smiled laying next to me.

"I always look good what's new?" He slapped my thigh and looked at me.

"Don't get cocky Hun it's not cute." he winked and hugged my waist. My nose started burning and I scrunched up my nose.

"Ray why do you smell like cheep perfume?"


I laid down in Kayla's guest room until I heard the door open and close. Thinking it was Jacob I laid still and drifted off to sleep.


I went to the pent house connected to mine and laid in the bed. EJ soon came in and wrapped his arms around me. He smelled straight up like weed and business.

"ej why you smell like weed?"

"Cause I smoke weed." he whispered in my neck sending chills down my spine.

"Ok. Goodnight EJ." I said pulling the covers over my shoulders.

"Kayla baby." he said after a moment of silence.


"Let's get married."


Surprises everywhere. (Short for a reason btdubs)


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