Chapter Two: Blurry Lines

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A clock..ticking...repeatedly

This strangely calm...and quiet room,
I heard the loud noises of the leaves rustling, distant but a continuous rainstorm raged all night.
Strangely, it reeked of mold.
rotten smell that woke me up, and the sound of water droplets continuously dripping into a puddle that it had formed on the ground,
I opened my eyes and looked around a dark room,
I don't remember my bed being this stiff and uncomfortable.

The whole room is unfamiliar, and it smells quite strange in here, it was cold and I felt a ringing in my head that wouldn't stop, I lifted my hand slowly to place it on my forehead, but a wave of panic immediately took over me, as I realized that my wrists were tied together by a thick and tight knot, I couldn't move my hands nor feet, And the only thing lighting this room was the beams of light from tiny cracks here and there in the window.

I tried to scream but my mouth was taped shut,
In a complete state of panic, I tried to free myself,
Dragging myself from the bed onto the floor causing a loud thud as my body hit the rough wooden floor.
The floor was wet and that strange odor kept getting worse, What the hell was happening? What is all this?
Desperately trying to break the knot, my heart sunk when I heard the distant footsteps of someone approaching, I immediately paused and stood still in my spot, finding every breath heavy, a long silence took over, and I could hear my heart beat faster, and the ringing in my head got worse as I continued to panic, but the long silence ended when the doorknob began to juggle, and I realized that whoever was on the other side, was coming in.

I immediately panicked and tried to think quickly, the loud thud must've alerted whoever was in there, I tried to get back on the bed as if nothing happened but I failed and whoever was trying to make it in has succeeded.
The door creaked as it gently and slowly swung open, Standing in the doorway was a tall male figure, the only source of light being from the outside I couldn't tell his features, a million questions rushed through my head, who was he, why was he here? Where am I?

"Looks like you finally woke up" he spoke in a familiar tone, but my head was spinning, I was nauseous, the smell made things worse and I felt like throwing up, I tried so hard to remember anything that had happened but I couldn't, nothing was coming to me, my body felt numb and weak, and I was shivering, not from cold i can't tell if I was even feeling the weather properly,
There was nothing I could do but keep silent.

"It's rude to ignore someone talking to you Darling." He spoke again with a light chuckle when I failed to respond to him, I could see the outline of an object in his hands, and it look like a long sharp object, possibly a he juggled what looked like a butcher knife in his hands, he waved his arm towards the left trying to reach a light switch, as he turned on the switch, a flickering weak yellow light filled the room, I closed my eyes shut as it did, as hard as I could.

"I-I didn't see your face, please..don't-don't hurt me" I blabbered through the tape on my mouth, barely making any sense, in this situation where my head felt like it was being stirred around, I could only think of begging.
He chuckled mockingly, My whole body began to shake harder, I felt my pulse in my ears that were burning, and probably red.

"But I want you to see me, Open your pretty eyes, I missed them." He replied, his voice began to sound more and more familiar, who was he? Just why can't I remember? I kept my eyes closed shut, and turned my head to the side, ignoring his command.
"I said, Open your fucking eyes!"
His voice louder, echoed through the room causing me to get startled immediately,
I opened my eyes in fear and shock took over me as if I had finally come to my senses, my eyes widened and my chest felt tight, It was Him.
who came to the café that day,
The same person in all black.

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