Chapter Fifteen : His Story

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I was laying down on the bed, i had already finished a whole chapter of that book,it was already interesting reading about Fanny whose just a young girl trying to make the best out of her life,Living with rich people away from her family,

"Boring Boring" I yelled in frustration,
To my luck someone knocked on the door,I really hoped it was Nancy but of course it was Maria,

"May i come in?" She stood at the door waiting for my response,
"Yeah sure" I nodded confused,she usually tells me what she needs and leaves,she walked into the room with a tray,
It had two cups of tea and a teapot,with some cookies and sugar cubes,

"I didn't have any work to do,so I thought I'd come keep you company" she smiled putting the tray down on the desk signaling me to come sit with her on the window seat,

"I came here to tell you a little story,and it will be long until we finish it so come sit here with me" she smiled handing me the teacup as i walk to the window seat,

The window seat was big,it could fit three people on it,so i sat pressing my back on to the wall and pulling my knees to my chest,Maria passed me a light blanket to keep myself warm,

She finally cleared her throat after taking a sip of her tea then putting the cup down on the tray in the middle of the seat,

"Its going to be the story of Ivan's past and his burning hatred for his father" she let me know what she was going to tell me, so i kept the teacup in my hands and stopped thinking about anything else to keep my focus on the story, it could help me out with something you never know.

"Ivan's past is rather really dark,really sad and cold," she explained leaning back onto the wall and staring out the window,

"His Mother was a beautiful young lady, She used to work in her fathers music shop,she would sell instruments and she knew how to play at least a little of everything" her mouth curved into a small smile,

"Ivan's mother was so gentle and loving,she was generous and kind, i never recall a time of her being harsh towards someone"

"His Mother's name was Everly,it was a beautiful name and Ivan really liked it" she giggled,

"She was a great loving mother,and a young one too, She got married to his Father when she was only twenty one,of course he was her first love and she was so in love with him that none of his flaws was ever seen by her,especially the rumors of his father being involved with the Mob"

"Wow that's young" I raised my eyebrows surprised,
"It is but keep in mind,she died young too"
She frowned,

"Oh she's dead? I thought she was just away like his father" my grip on the teacup  tightened,
"Sadly no," she sighed,
"Everly died when she was twenty eight,Ivan was only seven"

"I know you have questions on how or why, but don't worry ill tell you everything"
She assured me,

"Sadly what people didn't know was how much of an abusive toxic person Ivan's Father is,
His Father,Edward.
He got Married to Everly because he loved her but when he used to drink heavily is when things got out of control,at first it was only when he drank,but then he started abusing her even when he was sober"

"Edward never hesitated to beat Everly, she would go back to her mother bruised and heartbroken but Edward would go to her home and cry his eyes out begging her to come home and that things will be different, unfortunately they never were and if she wouldn't come back he threatened to kill her and her parents, her parents were really scared because he was also involved with the mob so even her parents started slowly getting tired of her"

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