Chapter Thirty Two Pt.2: A Night For Us

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*This chapter is NOT a smut chapter*


I walked downstairs to meet with Ivan who was already waiting,he was dressed in a fitted blazer over a black turtleneck and black pants,he was talking to some guards,probably telling them what they should and shouldn't be doing while he's away.

I cleared my throat grabbing all of the people's attention in the spacious room,but most importantly Ivan's,I searched his face for a reaction and tried to scan every inch of his expression to find out wether my attempt in makeup was successful or not.

"You look so..." Ivan started,
"Pretty? Ugly?" I added joking,
He smirked waving his hand in the air signaling the men to leave and they did,
"Gorgeous" he continued,

"D-Delicious?" I paused,
"Your lips" he added,
"Everything,it just makes me want to rip that dress off of you" he put his hands behind his back,and slowly walked to my direction,

"Are you not planning to skip it tonight?" I asked with an awkward giggle,
"Not a chance Darling," he continued with his raspy deep voice,I noticed that his voice was heavily effected by his smoking habits,he had a raspy voice because of his continues smoking..

"The car is ready Master" a guard interrupted,
"Well then,let's go" Ivan grabbed my hand locking his fingers with mine,he smiled and lead the way,the guard opened the door and the cold breeze hit my shoulders making a shiver go down my spine,

This time the same black Mercedes Benz from the road trip arrived and the driver opened the car door for us,i got into the cold car trying to squeeze the dress fabric between my thighs and the cold leather car seat,the black tinted windows displayed the beautiful city lights and i felt so happy to finally be close to them because i could only watch them from afar,

Ivan got in and so did the driver,he started the car and drove away,I turned to Ivan who was doing exactly what i was thinking,
He had the blindfold in his hands waiting to be used,of course i was sad about it but it's better than getting sedated,I leaned closer so he could just tie the blindfold and he didn't hesitate to.

I sat staring into the thick fabric waiting for him to remove it when it's only been no more than ten minutes,I tapped my foot restlessly knowing how bad I wanted to see the city at night,and I absolutely cannot miss it.

"Ivan..can you take the blindfold off now?" I asked turning to his direction,
"We aren't even in the city yet" he replied,
"Please just take it off" I almost yelled,
"Okay but under one condition" i felt his face hovering close to mine,
"You don't take your eyes off mine"
I gulped and nodded,i just wanted this thing away from my eyes,

He untied the knot and the cloth fell loosely on the space between us,as he said I didn't take my eyes away from his,

"Your eyes are tempting" he smirked,
"How so?" I blinked a few times replying to him,
"They are so deep and hypnotizing" he answered put his hand on my thigh,
I flinched feeling his cold palms brush my bare skin,

"You look really good tonight,I can't not stare at you" his mischievous smirk turned into an adorable grin,
"Do you not want to see the city lights? Do they not please your eyes?" I asked out of curiosity
"Even if they did they can't compete with you," he answered,he gave me a peck on the lips and continued to do so,fearing that it might turn into a deeper kiss i slipped closer to him,

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