Chapter Twelve:painful punishment

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As I crawled away from him,he kept unbuttoning his white shirt,eventually his chest was exposed to me along with many of his tattoos,he unbuckled his belt smoothly and walked to me,

i was nervous ,should i try running away? Maybe if i reach the lock..
Or will that make all of this worse?

Eventually the bed blocked me from going any further,i pulled my legs and squeezed my eyes shut,

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me up,
His eyes still burning with anger he pushed me on the bed aggressively,I immediately stood up and pulled my legs to me again,

"Be a good girl and wait for your Master" he smirked as he backed away from me,I stayed still in my position,

He walked to what I thought to be a closet,
He opened it to reveal a series of strange equipments,he reached for a long stick like object,or a cane to be exact

My hands started sweating and my heart started beating quicker,i Didn't know that he kept all of those...stuff here,i can't describe them or name them,they are strange and new to me,

He laid the cane on the bed next to me,pressing his soft lips on mine as he unzipped my blouse from behind,

He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me up and undressing me from my skirt and throwing it alongside my blouse on the floor,I held my arms together covering my bare chest,

He held my bra strap gently pulling it down my shoulder, "N-No!" I yelled as I backed away from him,he became furious and tightly placed his grip on my wrist pulling me closer

He raised his hand in the air and slapped me causing me to tear up in pain,the stinging sensation burned my cheek, I placed a hand on my cheek and cried in pain,

"If you obey me I won't need to hurt you" he grabbed that stick that he had left next to me,"Now,what do we do to disobedient girls like you?" He asked,

"I-I don't know" I cried,
"Wrong answer" he brushed the tip of the cane against my shoulder as i was shaking in fear,

He was swinging the cane in the air before finally smacking my thigh,the stinging pain turned my thigh red and I screamed in response,the pain was horribly painful,
I cried out loud with my body still shaking and progressing the sudden pain,

"What do we do with disrespectful girls?" He asked again
"You punish them" i cried

"Huh?" He hit me with the cane again,
"YOU PUNISH THEM" i cried louder
"Did you forget what you call me?" He yelled

"N-No" I answered
"What is it then?" He yelled again
"Master!" I answered without hesitation,
"Do you regret what you've done?" He asked again displeased and boiling with anger

"Yes" I answered
He hit me again turning my thighs all red,
My stockings ripped open from the cane and it hurt so much that i was certain those Marks won't fade away easily,
"YES WHAT?" He yelled
"Yes Master!" I sobbed,

He laughed in satisfaction,then he threw away the cane pulling me by my hair,he sat down on the bed pulling me closer then laying me on his thighs,

I didn't move or fight him because i was too scared and weak,I didn't want the pain again,
He laid me flat on my stomach,raising his hand and spanking me continuously,
I kicked with my legs and hands crying in pain every time he spanked me,i was certain that I won't be able to sit down for the next few days,

I cried and shouted him to stop,the pain was too much to handle, "I'm sorry Master!" I yelled,

"You better be" He suddenly stopped spanking me and pushed me onto the bed,he got on top of me and pinned me to the bed,

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