Chapter Fourteen: Outside

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I couldn't control my excitement and all the hype about leaving this place made me daydream about the day i meet Alice again,

I spent my time roaming around the room and staring out the window,I stared at the few last drops that are about to leave the IV bag so that i can finally go out, Maria still didn't prepare my food i was still hungry as hell,I waited patiently for Ivan or Maria to come in the room telling me to get ready but nether came,

I stood up again from the window seat,
Dragging the pole so that the tubes don't get ripped out of my skin,the pole made a funny noise almost scratching the wooden floor despite it having wheels,

I stood still for a second just wiggling the pole making it let out those scratchy sounds and giggling about it like a little child,somehow these past days I've been easily entertained and distracted and something about these sounds was enough to distract me for a couple of seconds,

I had lost track of time exploring every inch of the room by now,I looked through all the clothes and books in the room,I genuinely believed the little cactus on the edge of the desk was real until i tried poking it and realized it was only plastic,

By now i was too bored and the scratchy noises weren't as interesting anymore,I reached for the door to leave because I couldn't stand staying alone anymore.

I dragged the IV pole and walked out the door meeting the same old boring hallway,
I dragged my pole around with me trying to make it downstairs,

It was a challenge trying to lift the pole and take it down like 20 steps but I made it downstairs,i didn't let go of the pole but somehow it's wheels rolled smoother on the wooden floor downstairs,I'm not surprised it's polished and cleaned stainless everyday,

No one was downstairs in the living room but the big windows had their curtains wide open,and the main door was open as well which was confusing how would they leave it like that? isn't he afraid of me escaping?

I walked around to see if anyone was coming,but no one was there,should i go outside? But what about his security?
I'm skeptical,but still Nancy had a plan and i should follow it and not mess up or interfere i should trust her,

But freedom looks so good,if i can just step outside....
NO,I won't go outside I won't risk this,my health is slowly deteriorating and I'm going to keep myself healthy and clean if i get another punishment i will literally die,I'll listen to Ivan and i will stop being stupid,

I will stop crying,i will start solving my problem instead of crying about it,I'm not the normal Irene,the strong bright happy Irene,
This right now is just Hana,the sad crybaby dumb Hana and I won't let her take control,Irene is coming back,no matter the consequences.

I turn around taking a deep breath fully sure of my decision to not to try and go outside,I'm not stupid he has CCTV and security I won't get out of here smoothly,

I tried to look for anyone around,why is it so quiet? I heard footsteps just then,someone was coming over to me,It definitely wasn't a noise high heels make so its not Maria nor Nancy,
It must be Ivan,

"Ivan?" I called but i got no response but my voice echoing through the silent room,the footsteps got louder and clearer
"Ivan?" I called again and right when I finished i felt someone's arms wrap around my waist,I looked back and saw Ivan smiling from ear to ear,

"Wh-Why didn't you answer me?" I sorta laughed it out asking him, I didn't want to sound aggressive,
"I didn't feel like it" he answered resting his head on my shoulder "what are you doing here shouldn't you been resting?" He slowly and gently rocked me the sides,

"No I couldn't sleep i slept enough,but why are you rocking me like this I'm already dizzy" I laughed,
"Oh-" he raised his head and let go of me,
"I got carried away,i feel the need to have you in my arms all the time and i just do it when i can" he rubbed the back of his neck,

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