Chapter Four:Breaking chains

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He smirked at his phone showing me the caller, it was my ex-boyfriend.
He put it on speaker and made sure my mouth was covered so that I wouldn't make any noises,  I panicked any wrong move and either kyle or I, are dying.

But I was also confused, I was so sure that he took out my SIM card, how could it be?
"Hello? You finally answered my call...hello?Irene?" I heard him call my name repeatedly,  I started letting out small whimpers hoping he would know something wasn't right,
"Hello?" Ivan answered instead, without breaking eye contact with me, he made sure to make me realize, that a wrong move, could result in pain.

"W-who are you? Isn't this Irene's number?" I could hear the mix of confusion and anger in kyles voice, he was never smart, he was stupid, like seriously what was I thinking when I was dating him?
"It is irene's number," he never got rid of that nasty smirk on his face, "I'm her boyfriend"

My stomach sank, what was he doing? What was this act for?
"Boyfriend? Who the hell do you think you are? She never told me she had a boyfriend,"
He yelled after a short pause, he thought that he still owned me somehow, now seeing him ready to fight someone whose pretending to be my boyfriend,

"Do you want to talk to her? Do you want to see her?" Ivan spoke a clear hint of mischief present in his tone,  I kept whimpering,  I was so sure that he would've known something was wrong by now,
"Yes I want to" before he could finish his sentence though, Ivan interrupted him,
"Then be a real man and come to the address I will send you" the way Ivan said that made my stomach twist, he was up to no good,  I couldn't even manipulate myself into thinking that kyle was going to make it out alive.
If only I could stop him from coming,  I already know what will happen to him,
But at the same time, I had little hope that he could save me from this, which I'm sure won't end up well, because kyle, is fucking dumb.

"Ok then, I will come. I'll come right now, And I'll be sure to take her back with me." Kyle answered after a long pause, as if he was speechless, and didn't know how to react to something that could involve violence.
"Trust me, I'll be waiting for you" Ivan spoke in his deep raspy voice as if he was mocking him, then hung up without a warning.

"Then, let's get back into our business"
He tossed the phone away on the bed and immediately leaned back to me, I didn't push him away but rather grabbed his shoulder blocking him from continuing,
He looked into my eyes with his eyes half-open, he raised an eyebrow, and instead of getting mad at me, he just laid his palm on the cheek he slapped,

He ran his thumb across my lip, brushing them gently, "I have never loved someone this much" his breath was getting heavier, as he confessed what I never thought would leave his mouth,
"I tried to hide the fact that I was doing this for you, I didn't want you to know that I was stalking you, I didn't want you to know how much I needed to feel you"

"If you love someone, you wouldn't hurt them" I spoke without thinking as if I was meant to say these words, but hoping I could somehow convince him, to understand that love doesn't work this way.
"What are you saying? but I'm not hurting you" his eyes widened, why was he so confused? So surprised? Does he not realize that he's hurting me? "I'm doing this because I love you,"

"If you love me you wouldn't force me into this, I don't..-I don't want to be trapped here,  I don't want to be stalked,  I want my family...and I most definitely don't want to have sex with you," as I spoke his soft touch became painful,
My words, one after the other, felt like poison for him.

"Please, just don't force me" my eyes teared up again, I was so caught up, I'm in emotional and physical pain I couldn't fight anymore, what I could do is beg someone who had no sympathy.

He reached to my hand that was resting on his shoulder, he held it firmly against him, which strangely gave me a sense of comfort, a very fucked up one.

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