Chapter Sixteen : Lights out (pt.1)

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"How the hell did she know!?" Nancy rubbed her temples,
"I really don't know but, the walls have ears i guess" I shrugged

"You seem too chill for someone who could get killed for this" Nancy raised her eyebrow,
"Nancy, what will happen if this plan doesn't work?" I asked,
"We die" she answered, i was confused trying to understand wether she was being sarcastic or not,

"Nancy are you genuinely planning to kill us both?" I sighed,
"There is no time Hana, We are starting tonight," she stood up waiting for my response,

"But-" I couldn't finish what I wanted to say before she cut me off,
"No buts, we are starting TONIGHT, I'm about to be forced into a toxic marriage and you are about to get killed,if it's not by Ivan its by his father,"

"Okay Okay!" I agreed to start today,
"But why don't you just turn down the marriage Nancy?"

"I can't i tried everything but i will still be forced into it,they keep security guards around me so that I don't escape,I'm FORCED to marry him,the two sides are desperate to have a relation" she answered
"So this is why you are so passionate to leave,you are just like me, you are trapped" i guessed,

"Its is,but still I'm taking you with me,and i have something to tell you but I cannot tell you now Make him stay in the room as long as possible,do anything you need to do. Just keep him in it is going to be loud" she changed the subject again and left the room,

It was about time when night was already taking over, the thunderstorm outside was at its loudest,the thunder outside and rain was never stopping as if it was a rain town,

I've never seen such rain,it was odd to me because of the fact that i never noticed such rain in the city.

I made my way downstairs looking for Ivan,
I saw Maria come my way and i was skeptical of what to say,eventually I gathered enough courage to walk up to her and try to talk to her

I cleared my throat making my presence noticed, "Maria?"
"What do you need Hana" she answered me with her usual tone looking emotionless,

"About What happened..." i started,
"Nothing happened Hana,I'm afraid i was wrong and i pray that you forgive me. I know how much you are hurting here being kept against your will" she sighed

"If you were a mother you would understand, you only want happiness for your child.
I'm not even his biological mother,but i still love him like he's my own"

"I will not interfere with your plan,but I wouldn't help you ether. Whatever you choose to do i will act like it doesn't exist, but remember Hana,if i was you I wouldn't trust Nancy," she rubbed my shoulder before walking away not giving me a chance to talk,

I was wondering if Nancy went back to the room and if she was already working on the window bars and hearing how silent the house was other than the continuous tapping of rain drops on the windows and blasting thunder,or it could be over shadowed by these noises,but other than that the important thing is how well Nancy is handling this situation,

Another thunder blasting loudly startled me,i felt the power of it in the floor and shaking windows,being so high up on a mountain,or a hill to be exact had its perks and cons

And being so close to the thunder was obviously its cons,the power of the thunder made the lights flicker slowly but eventually taking all the power in the house

Standing alone in the dark the only time i could see around me is for five seconds when the thunder blasts,i raise my hand in the air trying to find my way in the dark with the raging thunderstorm outside,

"M-Maria??" I yelled calling for Maria before i ran into the table next to the couch knocking down whatever was on it,
"Hana?" I heard Ivan's same cold tone but couldn't figure out where it was coming from,

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