Chapter Nineteen: Casually bloody

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"Hey Maria did you see Nancy anywhere?" Suddenly Candace walked into the kitchen,
"No I didn't where were you all?" Maria asked,

"Ivan,Kiel and I all went to the meeting, apparently some private information is being smuggled and passed about us and we can't figure out who it is that's doing it" she rubbed the bridge of her nose,

"Once i find out who that Betrayer is" she furiously smacked her fist on the table,
"Where is Ivan?" I asked her, "He-He has a meeting that I wanted to make sure if he was planning to attend" I quickly saved myself from the weird look she gave me,

"I think he went to his room," she answered, "okay thank you" I raised from my seat and made my way to his room,

"Ivan?" I knocked on the door but didn't get any response,
I opened the door and entered the room, I looked around the room and he was no where to be found, suddenly his bathroom door opened and he came out of the room with only a towel on,

"What are you doing here Hana?" He asked taking a pause from drying his hair,but I noticed the cut on his bottom lip, his cheek was scratched and his knuckles were red and bruised,

"What happened to you?!" I ran to him and held his hand to examine it,
"Don't worry it's nothing" he pulled his hand away,

"Nothing?? You got yourself in another fight didn't you?" I yelled at him,
"I'm okay Hana" he smiled,
"You're bleeding!" I tried to touch the scratch on his cheek,

"Hana calm down I'm okay" he grabbed both of my wrists to stop me from panicking,
"Are you?" I asked again,
"I feel much better now to know that you are worried about me" he smiled,

I didn't say anything, i was thinking of why I suddenly care so much,but I also remembered that I shouldn't be so caring because I'm mad at him,

He pulled away and went to sit on the chair next to the fireplace, his hair was wet and so was his body, he only had a towel on and he needed to dry up,

"Come here" he put his hand in the air waiting for me to take it, i held his hand and he pulled me, i fell in his lap and when I tried to get up he didn't let me,

"Do you want to help me feel better?" He smirked, i turned my head away and folded my arms making a 'hmph' sound,
"are you mad?" He chuckled,

"Yes" I nodded still turning away,
"Come on, is it because I ignored you earlier?" He guessed, "yes." I nodded again,

"Shouldn't i be the one who's mad?" He leaned closer to my ear,
"Do you want me to apologize?" He whispered,
I nodded without saying anything knowing that annoys him,

He wrapped his hand around my neck and pulled me closer as he leaned back into the chair, he kissed me again but as he got more and more into the kiss he ended up pulling away and giving me an angry look,

"Why aren't you kissing me back? Kiss me back" he ordered, "No" I yelled,
"Woah, who do you think you are?" He became furious but tried to hide it with an angry smirk,

"Disobeying again?" He pulled my hair,
"I do what I want" I smirked,
"I leave for two hours and you completely think you got control huh? Funny" he giggled in a mocking way,

"So?" I kept talking back and annoying him, I enjoyed it, "and you are still talking back? Looks like you need to be put in your place again" he grabbed my waist and picked me up on his shoulder, "hey you are going to drop me!" I wiggled my legs and continuously smacked his shoulder,

He threw me on the bed and the impact made me bounce again on the mattress,
He climbed on top of me and grabbed both of my wrists,

"I bet you someone or something will interrupt us again" I tried wiggling my hand out of his grip but it was too tight,

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