Chapter Sixteen : Lights out (pt.2)

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(Warning: this chapter is a smut chapter,if you are uncomfortable with sexual content skip to the other chapter you won't miss anything important about the story.)

(P.S: If you notice any difference in writing or dialogue it's because,This chapter was NOT written by me [the original author].

because I cannot write Smut or that I'm not good at writing it,fellow Author and [internet] Friend [we can call her Chrissy who writes fanfics and is pretty good at this] wrote it for me. I wanna thank her. and I'm aware that I didn't mention who she is because she didn't want credits but she was simply helping me write this [we have similar writing so its not a big difference] but it's still managed by me )

Thank you Chrissy ily ;-;

"There is no escape tonight"

He attacked my lips with kisses and pecks pulling me closer to him,I turned around to avoid his aggressive kisses that last too long for me to breathe,
"N-No-" I tried to leave before he pulled me back again and placing his palm on my mouth,

His other hand crawled from my stomach up to my chest giving my breast a tight squeeze,
I whimpered at the sudden action

He turned me around and he pulled me pressing me onto him feeling each other's body,he kissed me harder asking permission to enter my mouth
I let him do what he want,his tongue was already exploring my mouth, he slowed down for a minute pulling away,a thin line of glistening saliva still connected our mouths,

He let go of my waist to unbutton his vest then shirt,his abs and tattoos were exposed to me, i ran my hand on his chest feeling his muscles,
He slipped his hand down my shorts causing me to flinch,

"Hey relax" he smirked,
My heart was beating fast and i was already nervous,he unbuttoned my shirt and untied the knot that was holding my shorts from falling,

The silky shorts fell lose on the floor,
He freely ran his hand through my bare skin,
He placed soft kisses on my chest while still stroking my breasts,his warm lips moved from my collarbone to my chest, yet again he found my weak spot, a shiver went down my spine making me twitch a little,

"Why are you so scared?" He whispered,
"I've never been touched like this" i answered,
"Then i want you to make me the first and last man to do so" he stared into my eyes caressing my cheek, his eyes filled with love and lust,
He kissed my forehead, "Irene, i want to make sure that you want this" he said surprising me,

"Once we start,I won't stop.." he whispered,
"There is no going back,I don't do force when it comes to sex,I cannot be intimate with person who can't accept it,"
I paused for a second, my body was all for it but my brain and heart were arguing, he grabbed my hand and placed it on his chest,

"Because once this starts it cannot be undone,  i will give you a piece of myself tonight but are you giving me a piece of yourself too?" He waited patiently,

I couldn't decide, for a second i felt my heart beat faster when i felt his gentle heart, i felt something I couldn't feel when my heart had buried itself in burden and misery,
There was no stopping tonight,I couldn't risk it even if i could,

"I'm...." I opened my mouth,his eyes widened waiting for the answer,
"I'm all yours Ivan" i whispered,
"That's my girl" he smiled widely,

He kissed me deeply,
He rubbed his body against mine making me turn into ten shades of red feeling his bulge stroke my thighs,the thought of it turned me on, I shouldn't have but my mind is going blank I cannot stop I don't want to,

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