Chapter Twenty Eight: Lets be clear

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Ivan carried me to his room bridal style,he kept asking me if I needed something or if I'm going through any pain,on the way he stopped at my room to pick up some clothes so I could sleep there too,

He helped me change into my comfortable pj's and laid me down to be able to rest while he changes his clothes as well,

"You have nice abs" I muttered while watching him undress from his shirt,
"Took you a while to notice" he joked,
"You're handsome too" i just pointed that out while i was at it,
"Thank you" he smiled adorably at my little complement,

Its so intense how he can choke you and tell you to call him master during sex but turns into a small shy boy when you complement him.

He finally finished changing and getting ready for bed,he closed the door and turned the lights off,the only thing that lit up the room was the table lamps on the nightstands,

The curtains were not covering the windows so I enjoy the city view and city lights,
I felt Ivan climbing on the bed,
He was on the side near the door and i was on the windows side,

He pulled me closer to him and covered both of us,i was still facing the windows watching the city,it has been Snowing ever since new years eve,but the snow was slowly getting less and less,i loved winter but this year i was impatiently waiting for spring,

He held me close spooning me and burying his face in my hair,I turned to him and held him back,

"You will sleep here in my room from now on okay? This is your room too," He curled a strain of my hair with his index finger,
"Why?" I asked,but I wasn't complaining though because it's definitely better than sleeping alone or with Nancy trying to break in,

"Whats there left undone? The reason i gave you another room is because i wanted you to have some privacy for yourself,but now that you are used to this place,and Me,
There is nothing holding us back" he answered,

"Oh okay" i just agreed right away because to be honest I didn't care about it,
"Can i ask you a question though?"
"Yes of course" he smiled but looked somewhat nervous wondering what i was going to ask,

"What....What do you think about kids?" I asked praying that he'd give me a positive answer,
"Kids? Why are you asking about that?" He rose up and looked at me completely confused,

"Jus-Just answer this question!!" I pulled him back to his spot,
"Isn't it a little early to be thinking about kids? Plus we are completely fine alone without kids" he explained,

"But would you keep a child?" I asked trying not to be too obvious,
"Well if its mine, of course but it's better for us to stay alone,let's not become parents i think that we are both not ready",

too bad Ivan I'm already carrying our child.

"Now get these thoughts out of your head and go to sleep" he pat my head and covered me more,I turned back around to face the city lights,i sighed quietly and closed my eyes to fall asleep,

"Bummer" I whispered to myself,


I was literally freezing,I opened my eyes to see the curtains wide open and the door to the balcony half open as well,the windows being on my side meant that i was the one fully exposed to the cold wind,

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