Chapter Twenty Five Pt.2: I touch whats mine

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Dear reader,as you know yes,this is another Smut chapter because you wanted it so at last *sigh* have it,
Have fun,Chrissy will take over from here,

>if you skip you won't miss any thing important
> I didn't correct any mistakes because I didn't read it,I apologize if there are any grammatical mistakes


I gulped as I knocked on the door to his room,
I was really in for a whole punishment,
I know what's going to happen and to be completely honest I'm not complaining,

"I'" i said just to be answered with silence, "Ivan?" I called him and he finally answered, "you are six minutes late" he walked into the room from the bathroom looking at his watch,

His shirt was completely unbuttoned,his skin was wet,he was cleaning the foundation from his skin,he took out his ear piercings and his hair was messy,

"So what did I tell you?" He sat down on the bed,
"To be here in exactly ten minutes" I repeated what he told me mimicking his voice but trying not to make him feel like I have an attitude,

"And you are?" He added,
"Six minuets late" i sighed,
"Did you do it on purpose? I feel like you like what I'm doing" he laughed mockingly,
"You know its free,all you have to do is ask"

"Ask you for what?" I started to unbutton my already ripped blouse turning the tables on him, "if you want it you can tell me instead of calling it a punishment Master"

"And what are you trying to do?" He Leaned back on the bed not laying down,but just leaning back,he liked what he was seeing,
"There is a difference between Sex and punishment" the way he pronounced those words with his deep voice,it made me crave more, "Because sex means making love,and a punishment means teaching a lesson"

"Teaching a lesson? Pfft" I laughed to annoy him,
"Come here," he ordered, I didn't argue,I walked to him,he pulled the blouse down my arms and dropping it,he kissed my stomach and his grip was tight on my hips,

I loved teasing him,its just a habit he taught me,when he unzipped mg skirt letting it fall loose on the floor,i moved away from the pool of fabric piled up at my feet,so that he won't kiss me anymore,

"Stop teasing or else you won't be able to walk after this" he threatened,I pretended not to hear him,I casually bent down and took off my heels,I kicked the heels away and when I turned around he wasn't there on the bed anymore,

He grabbed my arm from the back and turned me around to face him,
"You asked for this" he pushed me on the bed,
And climbed up onto it while he unbuckled his belt,

He unzipped his pants and left it off there,he leaned down to my chest and undid my bra,
snatching it throwing it away biting his lips at the sight of my bare chest,

"Where did he touch you? Other than these marks,where else did he touch you?" He was angry but really turned on at the same time,

"My chest..My breasts...My thighs..." I gulped exposing everything that happened that night,
He brushed his bottom lip with his thumb,I couldn't see his eyes because his hair was covering them,he was eyeing my body scanning every inch,

he was on top of me,I couldn't move because he completely blocked me from moving,
"I can't believe he touched you like this" his jealousy was everything i could see right now,
"How dare he touch what's mine!!? We're fixing this" he completely snapped,

He went back onto all the spots and marks Kiel gave me,he bit them instead of sucking causing me to flinch,I pushed him away as an instant reaction I didn't think much of it but he took it personally,

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