Chapter Seven: guest

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"Master lunch is ready" Maria came in informing us,
"We'll be there in a second," Ivan replied,
He raised his head and eyed me looking up and down,

"We'll need to change your attire around the house, you shouldn't be dressing like this"
I was confused about whether he was mocking me or something,

"Maria!" He yelled,
"Yes, master" she came in rushing,
"Show her what she is supposed to wear from now on," he ordered,
"Yes, master" Maria ran to me and took me upstairs back to my room,

She took out a black skirt, black transparent stockings, and a balloon sleeved floral blouse,
And a pair of black four-inch high heels,

"You want me to wear that? Isn't it too cold To wear such light clothes?" I said skeptical,

"The young master has a formal choice of clothing, you will have to wear similar clothes every day. He prefers it if you wear skirts or dresses that fit his taste." She explained,

"Your body is petite and perfectly fit to wear such things" she smiled,
"But Maria I don't feel comfortable in these"
I frowned

"You'll get used to it, everyone around the house dresses up formally, master hates it when someone wears casual clothing, now dress up quickly. There are nightdresses and pajamas if you want to sleep, you'll have to wear clothes like these every day, the closet is packed with different skirts and blouses so you choose," she went out and closed the door,

I undressed from my comfortable turtleneck and pants and dressed up, the stockings were a garter belt, the type you you clip to your underwear or to the belt that goes around your waist so that the stockings wouldn't roll down,

I put on my clothes and look at myself in the mirror, it didn't look that bad though I looked like a secretary at the same time I was digging this look,

Maria knocked on the door and I let her come in, she took a look at me,
"Oh my, it fits you like a glove" she smiled wide,

"Oh," she paused,
"Is there something wrong?" I asked,
"How about you let your hair down?
Young master doesn't really like makeup he prefers a natural look, but I guess a little lipstick and blush won't hurt,"
She let my hair run free and added red lipstick, mascara, some blush, and a line of eyeliner, she sprayed me with some perfume,
I smelled nice, and I looked great too,  I was confident with my look, to be honest,

Although all the underwear I had was black, every bra and pantie was weird, clothing should always be formal? but I guess it's a strict household, but still, what does underwear have to do with it?

Maria brought me back downstairs before my steps were light so no one noticed me but now I was wearing heels on a wooden floor so it's impossible not to make my presence known,

I was a little uncomfortable because I kept pulling down the skirt, I wasn't used to skirts the last time I wore one was when I was in school a long long time ago,  I was used to dresses but this skirt was a little short,

She walked me to the dining area that had a big table, with about nine seats, Ivan sat alone in the top chair that faced all the table, it was odd for one person to sit at a table for nine people but I guess this is what rich people do anyways, take up space.

He raised his head and looked at me scanning every inch of my body, he smiled wide and stood up from his seat making his way to me,
"How beautiful" he brushed my cheek and placed little soft kisses on the cheek he slapped,

I was already uncomfortable but if I stood still and waited for him to finish we'll be done quicker,

He was focused on my lips, or specifically the cut on it,  I felt his thumb press the cut on my lip but he started pressing harder which hurt, he pressed hard enough for me to back away from him,

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