Chapter Seventeen : unpleasant Family reunion

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I groaned loudly hissing at the piercing sun rays that burned my eyes while i was asleep,
I opened my eyes to see the curtains shut EVERYWHERE EXCEPT the window facing my spot,and the curtain wasn't even fully opened, it was just a little split and streak of sunshine on my spot on MY EYE,

Distracted by the sun i look around to see that I wasn't in my usual room,i was about to sit up but I realized I wasn't alone ether,
Everything from last night rushed into my head,i sigh and facepalm myself,
How can i be this stupid,

Ivan who was holding me tightly as if he feared that I'd fly away or something was still asleep despite it being, 9am.
I turned around to face his direction,he was sleeping like a child,

I stared at his pale face,
How can you be this handsome? How can you sleep in peace? I got closer trying to inspect his face a little more,i never noticed some of the moles on his face,they were too small to be seen afar,but one mole particularly stood out,it was on his left cheek a little over his cheekbone,

It was big and clearly seen from a distance,
A type of mole you don't need to lean on into his face to see, but it wasn't the type of moles that look like a black ball on the skin,that would've made him slightly look like nanny mcphee,rather a cute little mole on his cheek that just added to his beauty,

I didn't know what i was doing or why,but there is no doubt that Ivan is attractive and Handsome,his pitch black hair,the elegant slick back style he does during the day,or my favorite being the messy hair in the mornings or when he's going to sleep,

I remember when i met him in the cafeteria for the first time, his hair messy and wet from the rain,his dark brown almost black looking eyes,or his pale skin.

his tall figure being somewhat around 5'10 to 6'0
He is well built and capable of self defense,
I've learned that the hard way when i had to be pinned down by him,

It made me frown at the fact that such a handsome young man could be such a psychopath,the way he touches me and pins me down so easily,the hight difference between us,after all i was only 5'7,high heels are my only hope to reaching his hight,

I had a lot of questions all unanswered,but I needed to leave the bed, what happened with Nancy? Am i going to sacrifice my body every night from now on? It was alot,alot that could begin by me leaving the bed and taking a shower.

Of course I tried lifting his arm off my waist,
I slowly slid my hand under his arm and moved away successfully,I rolled to the other side slowly removing the blanket and comforter,
Being naked I struggled to hide my body as the cold air in the room hit my body making a shiver go down my spine,

Right when i was about to get up i felt Ivans tight grip on my wrist,
"Where do you think you are going?" He mumbled half asleep,

"I should go shower" I smiled answering him,
"No you are not,today is a Saturday and I'm not leaving this bed" he pulled me back into the bed,he was wearing his boxer shorts,and i was wearing my underwear as well
"I-I should get dressed atleast i feel uncomfortable sleeping with only a bra and a pantie on" I explained trying to leave the bed again,

"I like it like this" he wrapped his arms around me spooning me and covering us with the blankets again,
"Why did you get so close to my face earlier? I was disappointed because I thought you'd kiss me" he said in his raspy morning voice,
"What are you talking about pfft" I brushed it off,
"I felt your warm breath on my face" he smirked,

"Oh,I don't know i felt like it" I uttered whatever fell in my head it would be weird if id just go "oh i was inspecting your face".
"Felt like it then" he sighed in disappointment,

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