Chapter Twenty Seven: We had it coming

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I clenched on the soft fabric of my skirt as i felt the needle piercing through my skin,
"All done,you can open your eyes now" Ivan let go of my hand and started collecting all the wrappers scattered on the ground,

I had squeezed my eyes shut because he decided to give me another IV Bag,
I tried convincing him that I didn't need it and i will drink water instead but he insisted on it,
He said that this bag has vitamins and minerals that could help me more,

I stared at the yellow colored bag filled with fluids hanging from the IV pole,I sighed at the fact that i was going to spend a good amount of time with my pole,again.

I was sitting in the living room annoyed with the fact that i had to sit with tubes connected to me for the next two or three hours,
"If you had eaten and taken care of your self properly you wouldn't have been in this situation right now. You don't have the right to complain" he shrugged getting up from the floors and giving the wrappers in his hand to a maid walking by,

"Master, Doctor Abbot it here," another maid came into the living room announcing the arrival of the Doctor,
"Let him in," Ivan gave his permission,
The door was opened and a man walked in with a heavy looking bag in his hand,he had grey hair and looked in his early sixties,he was wearing black pants and a white shirt with a grey vest over it,he had grey hair which was surprisingly thick and full for his age,he was wearing glasses that would slide down his nose every so often,

"hello Doctor Lewis," the doctor walked in and shook hands with Ivan,i gotta say Ivan being called a doctor is both ironic and attractive,

the new doctor was slightly shorter,he had a golden ring on which means that he's married,he was slightly chubby ,i wondered if Ivan would look like that if he grew older causing me to giggle,

"welcome doctor,i'm glad you had the chance to visit today," Ivan welcomed him and guided him to the living area,i tried to get up and welcome the doctor but i got up too quickly getting dizzy and falling back on the couch,"i'm guessing this is my patient," he said first thing when he saw me,

"yup thats me," i let out a weak laugh,
"she even has a banana bag on,i'm guessing her condition isn't as good," he rubbed his chin,"..banana bag?" i confusedly smiled at the strange name,

"its just a term we use to describe this certain IV bag,you could see that its yellow,hence the name 'banana', but anyways, I'm doctor Abbot i'll be treating you from now on," he smiled and put his hand in the air for me to shake,

"i'm hana," i smiled and shook his hand,"nice to meet you hana," he greeted me and turned back to Ivan
"do you have any suggestions to what she could possibly be suffering from doctor Lewis?" he asked Ivan as he opened his bag taking out some gloves and a stethoscope,

"i'm not sure,but it could be Anemia,her symptoms support it, but i hope you can conform anything today" he crossed his arms and leaned against the wall,

"well she looks pretty tired,and seeing the IV tubes it's easy to tell that shes also suffering from Dehydration," he wore the gloves and inspected my eyes with a bright light,once he finished flashing the light in my eyes i looked away and my eyes fluttered a few times adjusting to the brightness again,

"can you tell me what you've been eating lately Ms...?" he waited for me to give him a last name and i looked at Ivan who was ready to open his mouth and talk but before he does,

"please just call me Hana," i smiled and stopped Ivan from giving me god knows what new identity he picked this time,"okay then as you wish Hana,so tell me about your appetite,what has changed and what have you been eating?" he fixed his glasses and focused on me waiting patently to answer,

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