Chapter Eight:sweet spot

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Due to my light sleep,  I can hear the breeze blow,  I can sense the feather when it touches the ground,  I wake up to the slightest sounds, and I hate that the slightest light flickers from outside my room I could wake up and my sleep would be ruined,

This time I woke up Because I felt someone come in, although the door didn't creak or make any noise I just felt the presence of someone,

What time is it? I looked at the clock hanging on the wall, I remember the time being 8:23 pm it was the last time I checked before falling asleep, I check again and it just turned 10 pm, so I didn't sleep much,

I didn't move from my spot, I slept in the semi middle of the double bed alone, the sheets were cold and I already heated my spot so no need to move around and ruin my warm spot,

I heard whoever it was locking the door, I also heard something being placed on the table,
The sheets were suddenly lifted letting in the cold air and ruining my warm spot,

Who am I kidding? It's probably Ivan,
I felt him sit on the bed and slowly slide in too, he wrapped his arms around me,
I clenched on my blanket waiting for whatever is yet to come,

"Baby" he whispered,
"I know you are awake",
I didn't answer, he tightened his grip around me and got closer, his body was pressed onto mine spooning me, he reached and locked his hand with mine,

It was then when I noticed the blood on his hands, the blood was fresh it stained my hand too, it stained the white sheet and it made me nervous, scared, my heart started beating faster, and remembering how someone was just brutally killed because of me made my eyes tear up,

I was at my weakest, I kept crying whenever something happens, why was I like this? I was never this weak in my life, I stand and fight, but to be honest, I'm afraid, and I'm completely scared, I don't want to fight him knowing what he has done,

I feel like once he loses his temper I'll probably end up like Sara, as much as I wanted to die instead of being here, at the same time I don't want to, I don't know what awaits me after death,

A little part of me kept burning and keeping me warm so that I continue fighting and get my life back, but at the same time I'm scared to fight and I've already given up, I'm scared of him and that's the truth,

I don't hate him, I don't love him, I'm just afraid of him
We are both so different, he can kill with a smile on his face while I can't even say no to a stranger,...I'm weak

"I can feel your heartbeat Hana" he whispered into my ear,
"Are you afraid of me or is it because I'm close to you?" I felt his hot breath on the back of my neck,

I was getting goosebumps all over my body,
"As much as I know its the first one I'd like to believe its the second option, but we can test that out" he kissed the back of my neck moving down to my shoulder,

I squeezed my eyes shut, and my heart was going crazy, I'm just scared yes I'm scared I knew it,
"Do you like me, Hana?" He smiled after noticing the change in my heartbeat,

No, I don't, but I'm supposed to be asleep,
He grabbed my shoulder turning me to him,
He got closer and kissed my cheek, only when came back in closer to kiss me again, I slowly opened my eyes he was hovering on top of me, with his eyes half-open.

His hair was a mess and there was blood splatter on his face, there was blood everywhere, he was covered in it,

He knew I was awake so what's the point of pretending? He wasn't surprised when I opened my eyes, he pressed his warm lips onto mine, it was a moment of warmth,

Unlike every other kiss he has given me, he didn't turn aggressive or force me into a deeper one, he kept it soft and sweet,

I closed my eyes for the first time of him ever kissing me, I didn't accept the kiss I just didn't fight him away,

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