Chapter Nine: another girl

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Ah,I shouldn't be so negative,I just don't know shit,I don't know what to do,

What if i try to gain his trust? Maybe he can let me out and I figure something,it almost a week that I'm here,if I collect more information from him then maybe i could somehow find a way?

I don't know,i just stood up and left the room.if I overthink i will probably end up scaring myself more,i went downstairs and saw him sitting in the living room and across him sat That girl,they were both talking about something i was too far away to hear,

He seemed cold and uninterested,his circle glasses were sliding down his nose so with his finger he adjusted it back to its spot,

They both heard me coming so they turned around,The girl looked at me in some confusing way,and Ivan just smiled.

He left before us reaching the dining room first,me and her stood in the living room in awkwardness,

She nodded her head and we both walked to the dining room in silence,I wanted to ask her her name but she walked pretty fast,she reached the room before me as if she was racing me to get there,

She walked to the table pulling out the chair that i sat on yesterday,before she could sit Ivan put his hand on the seat,
"That's her spot" he looked into her eyes indicating how serious he was,

"But Ivan,you know that I always sit he-" she didn't finish her sentence,
"Well its her place now" he spat the words without thinking if he'd be rude or whatnot
"'s ok. I can sit somewhere else" i spoke in a low tune trying not to interrupt their conversation,

"Find yourself a new spot Nancy" he ignored me,
"Ye..yes" she pushed the chair back to its spot and span around the table to sit infront of "my" chair.

"Hana.come sit" he didn't even bother to look at me,he just stared at his plate as he ordered me around,
I didn't answer i just walked to my chair quietly.i sat down and just as i did,

The butlers brought the breakfast,the thing that caught my eye was the french toast,
It was my favorite breakfast meal.Alice used to always make me some,

I smiled wide when i saw them being placed on the table,a wave of memories streamed through my head,from high school to college to every morning i spent with her,

Ivan noticed my sudden change of expression and smiled himself,he noticed my excitement about the toast,

"You like french toast?" he asked,
"I love them!" I answered him immediately without thinking, "i..mean yes,i like them" i corrected myself and made sure to go back into my serious look,

"Then,Maria..from now on,i want French toast to be made everyday" he ordered her with a smile which is unusual,

I felt a little happy inside but I didn't really say anything about it,i love french toast so much i could eat it everyday!!

I couldn't really hide my smile,or atleast the little curve at the edge of my mouth,
"You seem to like french toast" the girl finally spoke,

"I do,it has a special place in my heart" i smiled,
She giggled at my little comment,

"I guess i should probably introduce myself,
I'm Nancy" she stretched her arm and giving me her hand,

"I'm Irene" i was shaking her hand when Ivan gave me a glare,
"Hana." He put his fork down,
"Her name is hana"

"Nice to meet you hana" she didn't question the sudden name change,
"Nice to meet you too...Nancy" i pulled back my hand in discomfort,

I was pretty interested in Nancy,so i kept asking her questions.
She was a tall girl around 5'6,she looked in her early twenties,
She had long blonde hair,its dyed of course since i could see her black roots.
She wasn't wearing any type of accessories,
But rather formal clothes similar to mine,

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