Valentines special

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Please read this note before starting:

This chapter is NOT after or before the latest chapters,
It's a dream/flashback,it is important for the storyline so don't skip it.


My life was never perfect,i felt like there was always a hole in my heart that couldn't be filled no matter how good life goes,

Growing up with strictly traditional and religious parents,then running away with your sister to a completely different city to start a completely different life,

Struggling to find a proper house and make enough money to be able to pay bills and feed ourselves,we struggled but kept a smile throughout the hard times,

Alice and I were close,Best friends for sisters,
She was my idol and the person i look up to the most,but just like every dumb teenager i had to fuck up. to go through phases of deteriorating mental and physical health,

I didn't care about studying,in fact it was my last worry,my parents hoped that I'd leave Alice and come back Because I'm the only daughter they have that they still had hope in,
But I couldn't let Alice stay alone,My parents disowned her as their daughter and excluded her from any family gatherings,and I was her only family.


"Surprise date?" I smiled wrapping my arms around Kai who called me saying it's urgent,
We've been dating for three months now,and I couldn't be happier to see him happy himself,

"We need to talk about something" he spoke without his usual smile,he kept a straight face and didn't smile or turn to me at all,
"Is something wrong?" I asked worried that I must've done something wrong,

He stopped when we reached our favorite spot in the park,an old tree that we always sat at together,

"Irene," he locked his hands with mine,
"You are my first love and you know that"
He explained,
"But,i feel like we are too young,to be in a serious relationship like this"
"What do you mean? We are perfect" i said starting to feel gloomy,is he breaking up with me?

"My parents are sending me to a school abroad" he sighed,
"And we will become too distant,I think it will be better if we take some time apart"

"What?!?" I immediately pulled my hand away from his grip,
"I'm not doing this shit"

"Irene please don't make it harder for me" he lowered his head,
"I have my reasons,and trust me I can't tell you all of them"

"You are really breaking up with me?!
You told me that i was your muse! Do i not inspire you to sing anymore? Did you find someone else?" I yelled at him in anger and heartbreak,

"I have my reasons," he replied with only that,
"Kai please" i held his hand again,
"Please lets fix whats wrong,give us a second chance,you can't leave me you're my first love!"

"I love you,but we are too young to be in love"
He put his hands on my shoulder and pulled me in for a tight hug,I didn't want him to let go,after this he will be gone,he pulled away and kissed me gently one last time,

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